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Old 08-04-2011, 01:49 AM
Marineboy Marineboy is offline Cross-reference problem Windows 7 64bit Cross-reference problem Office 2010 64bit
Cross-reference problem
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Default Cross-reference problem

Hi, I'm a new user of office 2010, though I have used previous versions (2003, 2007) extensively in the past.
I've got a problem using the cross-reference tool when trying to create a contents page manually (I didn't like the layout offered by the inserted contents page?).

I'm adding bookmarks to chapter & sub-chapter headings on the pages on which they are written, then inserting a hyperlink where that heading appears on the contents page. Then, to insert the relevant page number on the contents page I'm inserting a cross reference where the number should appear, using the same heading bookmark & using "insert a reference to the page number" from the cross-reference drop-down menu.

All this works well & I can click either the page number or the heading & go straight to the correct position within the document. So far so good, however the problem comes when inserting additional pages within the document? The page numbers on the contents page do not change to reflect the new position of the bookmark, though curiously when clicking that number it still takes me to the new position of the bookmark, now on the next page??

I've notided that I could cross-reference to the headings, rather than bookmarks but I can't seem to be able to manually tag the headings in order to cross-reference them - I guess this is an automatic feature, unnavailable when creating a manual contents page?

I'm creating a template by the way that will be used as a standard inspection report & this doc will certainly have more pages added when in use; if I can't maintain the page numbering when adding more pages then an additional, unnecessary & tedious task to update the cotents page has to be done each time the doc is used??

Anyway, if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong & how I sort this out (if possible?) I'd be greatful?

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Old 08-04-2011, 10:58 AM
Kimberly Kimberly is offline Cross-reference problem Windows 7 64bit Cross-reference problem Office 2010 64bit
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The page numbers on the contents page do not change to reflect the new position of the bookmark
Try Ctrl A to select the doc and then press F9 key to update.

I can't seem to be able to manually tag the headings in order to cross-reference them
You shouldn't have to tag them. Word allows you to cross-reference any text that is formatted with one of the heading styles. You can modify the appearance of heading styles to suit your tastes, or you can create new styles based on existing heading styles, if you don't like the built-in ones.
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Old 08-05-2011, 03:37 AM
Marineboy Marineboy is offline Cross-reference problem Windows 7 64bit Cross-reference problem Office 2010 64bit
Cross-reference problem
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 2
Marineboy is on a distinguished road
Default Cross-reference problem

Thanks Kimberly, the F9 trick works perfectly. I also now understand the significance of headings too! So thanks also for that.
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bookmarks, contents page, cross-reference

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