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Old 09-18-2023, 03:04 PM
Dan99881 Dan99881 is offline Wildcards terms working fine on "find", but I am clueless about "replace" Windows 10 Wildcards terms working fine on "find", but I am clueless about "replace" Office 2013
Wildcards terms working fine on "find", but I am clueless about "replace"
Join Date: Sep 2023
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Default Wildcards terms working fine on "find", but I am clueless about "replace"


I'm not sure, but I guess I've sorted it out how to search but not how to replace…

When I search (wildcards enabled) in any particular text from a collection of subtitle texts, both combinations of terms below work out fine (no quotation marks in actual usage):

1) "♪♪ [![]"
2) "[!]] ♪♪"

On the other hand, I can't seem to find the right terms for the "replace" part in order to get the result I want!

I'd like just to keep whatever character MS Word finds as "[![]" unchanged. But I'd need to have the outer ♪ deleted in each case. I am clueless about the way to make it work.

For instance:
If by using "♪♪ [![]" I get "♪♪ A", I just would like to replace it with "♪ A", in other words just delete the outer musical note.

If with "[!]] ♪♪" I find ". ♪♪", I just would like to end up with ". ♪", that is, just delete the outer musical note, now on the other side of the line.

I am excluding "[" and "]" because if any of them are there, then I should not worry about deleting musical notes at all. If they're not, then pairs of musical notes should be avoided. It's not a particularly logical practice, it's more about wanting the files from a collection to look the same.

Thanks in advance!
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Old 09-19-2023, 02:59 AM
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gmayor gmayor is offline Wildcards terms working fine on "find", but I am clueless about "replace" Windows 10 Wildcards terms working fine on "find", but I am clueless about "replace" Office 2019
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Search for
♪♪ ([!\]])
Replace with ♪ \1
See Replace using wildcards
Graham Mayor - MS MVP (Word) (2002-2019)
Visit my web site for more programming tips and ready made processes
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Old 09-19-2023, 10:16 AM
Dan99881 Dan99881 is offline Wildcards terms working fine on "find", but I am clueless about "replace" Windows 10 Wildcards terms working fine on "find", but I am clueless about "replace" Office 2013
Wildcards terms working fine on "find", but I am clueless about "replace"
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 4
Dan99881 is on a distinguished road

That was just perfect!!!
I already set as a favorite url the "Replace using wildcards" link.
Thank you so much, gmayor!!!
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find & replace, wilodcards

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