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Old 02-23-2021, 03:46 PM
VBAFiddler VBAFiddler is offline Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping Windows 10 Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping Office 2016
Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping
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VBAFiddler is on a distinguished road
Post Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping

Well, despite Paul's advice to not reinvent the wheel, I decided to roll my own, and it worked, until I realized that I'd not searched footnotes/endnotes etc. Before I looped through ranges, it took about 7 minutes to run on a 330 page document.
Two questions: there an accessible way to find out what's going on.
2.How can I optimize this.

Option Explicit

Sub BibleIndex()
' BibleIndex Macro
' Marks scripture references prepatory to creating/updating an index
Dim strBksAbb As String
strBksAbb = "Mt,Mk,Lk,Jn,Ac,Rom,1 Co,2 Co,Gal,Eph,Ph,Col,1 Th,2 Th,1 Ti,2 Ti,Tit,Pm,Heb,Jas,1 Pe,2 Pe,1 Jn,2 Jn,3 Jn,Ju,Rev"
Dim arrBksAbb() As String
arrBksAbb = Split(strBksAbb, ",")
Dim strBks As String
Dim arrBks() As String
arrBks = Split(strBks, ",")
Dim intIdx1, intIdx2, intBookNo As Integer
Dim strBook, strBookNo, strBkAbb, strChapVerses, strChapter, strVerses, strFrom, strTo As String
Dim strRef, strTmp, strPrompt As String
Dim strFind As String
Dim intCount As Integer
intCount = 0
strFind = "<[0-9A-Z]{1,2}[a-z.]{2,3} [0-9]{1,}:[!^s .,;”\)]{1,}"
Dim myRange As Range, strXE As String
ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = False
For Each myRange In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
     With myRange.Find
      .Wrap = wdFindStop
      .MatchWildcards = True
      .Text = strFind
      Do While .Execute
        strRef = Trim(myRange.Text)
        strBkAbb = Split(strRef, ".")(0)
        For intIdx1 = 0 To 26
          If strBkAbb = arrBksAbb(intIdx1) Then
            intCount = intCount + 1
            strChapVerses = Trim(Split(strRef, ".")(1))
            strChapter = Split(strChapVerses, ":")(0)
            strVerses = Split(strChapVerses, ":")(1)
            strFrom = Split(strVerses, Chr(150))(0)
            If InStr(strVerses, Chr(150)) > 0 Then strTo = Split(strVerses, Chr(150))(1) Else strTo = "00"
            If strFrom = strTo Then strTo = "00"
            strTmp = strChapVerses
            strChapVerses = ""
            For intIdx2 = 1 To Len(strTmp)
              If Mid(strTmp, intIdx2, 1) = ":" Then strChapVerses = strChapVerses & ""
              strChapVerses = strChapVerses & Mid(strTmp, intIdx2, 1)
            Next intIdx2
            strChapter = Format(strChapter, "000")
            strFrom = Format(strFrom, "000")
            strTo = Format(strTo, "000")
            strBookNo = Format(CStr(intIdx1 + 1), "000")
            strXE = arrBks(intIdx1) & ";" & strBookNo & ":" & strChapVerses & ";" & strBookNo & strChapter & strFrom & strTo
            myRange.Font.ColorIndex = wdRed
            ActiveDocument.Indexes.MarkEntry Range:=myRange, Entry:=strXE
            Exit For
          End If
        Next intIdx1
      End With
    Set myRange = myRange.NextStoryRange
    Loop Until myRange Is Nothing
  strPrompt = CStr(intCount) & " Entries marked for indexing"
  MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly
End Sub

Last edited by macropod; 02-24-2021 at 02:01 AM. Reason: Added code tags
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Old 02-24-2021, 09:36 AM
VBAFiddler VBAFiddler is offline Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping Windows 10 Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping Office 2016
Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 14
VBAFiddler is on a distinguished road
Post Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping

Despite Paul's war4nings, I decided to roll my own bible indexing macro. It worked! Until a couple of days ago, when I realized that I'd not picked up references contained in footnotes/endnotes. I put some extra code in to accomodate this, but everything seems to stand still for a very long time.
What did I do wrong?
Sub BibleIndex()
' BibleIndex Macro
' Creates biblical index
Dim myRange As Range, fRange As Range
Dim blnStarted As Boolean
Dim arrBooks(1 To 27) As String
Dim arrOnlyOne(1 To 27) As Boolean
Dim arrFullBooks() As String
Dim strFullBooks As String
Dim strVersePages As String
Dim intNoMarks, intNoRefs, intChapter1, intChapter2 As Integer
Dim intViewType As Integer
Dim intVerse As Integer
Dim intJidx, intKidx, intLidx, intJ, intK, intL As Integer
Dim intXRef As Integer, intRangeSelect As Integer
Dim blnOnlyOne, blnFound, blnInList As Boolean
Dim strFindText As String
Dim strFoundText As String, strStory As String
Dim arrFoundText() As String
Dim arrVerseList(), arrVerseSort(), arrVersePages() As String
Dim arrSortPages() As Integer
Dim intPages() As Integer
Dim arrVerseRef() As String
Dim strChapterVerse1, strChapterVerse2, strChapter1, strVerse1strVerse2, strChapter2, strVerse, strTidyVerse, strPages As String
Dim intPageNo As Integer
Dim strPageNo As String
Dim strVersePage As String
Dim intTotalRefs As Integer
arrBooks(1) = "Mt"
arrBooks(2) = "Mk"
arrBooks(3) = "Lk"
arrBooks(4) = "Jn"
arrBooks(5) = "Ac"
arrBooks(6) = "Rom"
arrBooks(7) = "1 Co"
arrBooks(8) = "2 Co"
arrBooks(9) = "Gal"
arrBooks(10) = "Eph"
arrBooks(11) = "Ph"
arrBooks(12) = "Col"
arrBooks(13) = "1 Th"
arrBooks(14) = "2 Th"
arrBooks(15) = "1 Ti"
arrBooks(16) = "2 Ti"
arrBooks(17) = "Tit"
arrBooks(18) = "Pm"
arrOnlyOne(18) = True
arrBooks(19) = "Heb"
arrBooks(20) = "Jas"
arrBooks(21) = "1 Pe"
arrBooks(22) = "2 Pe"
arrBooks(23) = "1 Jn"
arrBooks(24) = "2 Jn"
arrBooks(25) = "3 Jn"
arrBooks(26) = "Ju"
arrOnlyOne(26) = True
arrBooks(27) = "Rev"
strFullBooks = ",Matthew,Mark,Luke,John,Acts,Romans,1 Corinthians,2 Corinthians,Galatians,Ephesians,Philippians,Colossians,1 Thessalonians,2 Thessalonians,1 Timothy,2 Timothy,Titus,Philemon,Hebrews,James,1 Peter,2 Peter,1 John,2 John,3 John,Jude,Revelation"
arrFullBooks = Split(strFullBooks, ",")
ReDim arrVerseList(1 To 1)
intXRef = 0
blnStarted = False
For intJidx = 1 To 27
blnOnlyOne = arrOnlyOne(intJidx)
intXRef = 0
StatusBar = "Searching for references to " & arrFullBooks(intJidx)
strFindText = arrBooks(intJidx) & ". ([0-9]{1,2})"
 For Each myRange In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
Set fRange = myRange
With myRange.Find
.Text = strFindText
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = True
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
Do While .Execute
intTotalRefs = intTotalRefs + 1
With fRange
.End = .Start + Len(strFindText) + 7
intPageNo = .Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
strFoundText = .Text
.End = .Start + 3
.Start = .End
strStory = .StoryType
End With
ExtractRef strFoundText, strVerse, blnOnlyOne
If strVerse > "" Then
blnInList = False
For intK = 1 To intXRef
If strVerse = arrVerseList(intK) Then
blnInList = True
If InStr(arrVersePages(intK), Str(intPageNo)) = 0 Then
arrVersePages(intK) = arrVersePages(intK) & "," & Str(intPageNo)
End If
Exit For
End If
Next intK
If blnInList = False Then
intXRef = intXRef + 1
ReDim Preserve arrVerseList(1 To intXRef)
ReDim Preserve arrVersePages(1 To intXRef)
ReDim Preserve intPages(1 To intXRef)
arrVerseList(intXRef) = strVerse
arrVersePages(intXRef) = Str(intPageNo)
End If
End If
End With
Next myRange
For intK = 1 To intXRef - 1
        strVerse = arrVerseList(intK)
        strPages = arrVersePages(intK)
        intL = intK
        For intJ = intK + 1 To intXRef
            If arrVerseList(intJ) < strVerse Then
                strVerse = arrVerseList(intJ)
                strPages = arrVersePages(intJ)
                intL = intJ
            End If
        Next intJ
        arrVerseList(intL) = arrVerseList(intK)
        arrVersePages(intL) = arrVersePages(intK)
        arrVerseList(intK) = strVerse
        arrVersePages(intK) = strPages
    Next intK
If arrVerseList(1) > "" Then
StatusBar = "Generating index for " & arrFullBooks(intJidx)
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory
If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView Or ActiveWindow. _
        ActivePane.View.Type = wdWebView Or ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = _
        wdPrintPreview Then
        ActiveWindow.View.SeekView = wdSeekMainDocument
    End If

If blnStarted = False Then
Selection.TypeText Text:=vbNewLine & Chr(12) & "Index of biblical references" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial <> wdPaneNone Then
    End If
    If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type <> wdPrintView Then
        ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
    End If
    ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Selection.Start, End:=Selection.Start). _
        InsertBreak Type:=wdSectionBreakContinuous
    Selection.Start = Selection.Start + 1
    With ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Selection.Start, End:=ActiveDocument. _
        .SetCount NumColumns:=3
        .EvenlySpaced = True
        .LineBetween = True
        .Width = CentimetersToPoints(4.05)
        .Spacing = CentimetersToPoints(1.25)
    End With
blnStarted = True
End If
    Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 3")
    Selection.TypeText Text:=arrFullBooks(intJidx) & vbNewLine
    Selection.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles("Normal")

For intK = 1 To intXRef
strVerse = arrVerseList(intK)
If Mid(strVerse, 7, 6) = "888888" Then
If Left(strVerse, 3) = "  0" Then
strVerse = Trim(Mid(strVerse, 4, 3))
strVerse = Trim(Left(strVerse, 3)) & ":" & Trim(Mid(strVerse, 4, 3))
End If
If Left(strVerse, 3) = "  0" Then
strVerse1 = Trim(Mid(strVerse, 4, 3)) & "-"
strVerse1 = Trim(Left(strVerse, 3)) & ":" & Trim(Mid(strVerse, 4, 3)) & "-"
End If
intChapter2 = 888 - Val(Mid(strVerse, 7, 3))
intChapter1 = Val(Left(strVerse, 3))
intVerse = 888 - Val(Right(strVerse, 3))
If intChapter2 > intChapter1 Then strVerse1 = strVerse1 & Trim(Str(intChapter2)) & ":"
strVerse1 = strVerse1 & Trim(Str(intVerse))
strVerse = strVerse1
End If
    strVersePages = arrVersePages(intK)
BibleSort strVersePages
Selection.TypeText Text:=strVerse & vbTab & strVersePages & vbNewLine
Next intK
Selection.TypeText Text:=vbNewLine
intXRef = 0
ReDim arrVerseList(1 To 1)
ReDim arrVersePages(1 To 1)
ReDim intPages(1 To 1)
  End If
Next intJidx
MsgBox intTotalRefs & " biblical references found"
End Sub
Sub BibleSort(strVersePages)
Dim arrSorted() As String
Dim arrInteger() As Integer
Dim strItem As String
Dim intJ, intK, intL As Integer
Dim intLimit As Integer
arrSorted = Split(strVersePages, ",")
intLimit = UBound(arrSorted)
ReDim arrInteger(intLimit)
For intK = 0 To intLimit
arrInteger(intK) = Val(arrSorted(intK))
Next intK
For intK = 0 To intLimit - 1
        intItem = arrInteger(intK)
        intL = intK
        For intJ = intK + 1 To intLimit
            If arrInteger(intJ) < intItem Then
                intItem = arrInteger(intJ)
                intL = intJ
            End If
        Next intJ
        arrInteger(intL) = arrInteger(intK)
        arrInteger(intK) = intItem
        Next intK
        For intK = 0 To intLimit
        arrSorted(intK) = Str(arrInteger(intK))
        Next intK
    strVersePages = Join(arrSorted, ",")

End Sub
Sub ExtractRef(strOrig, strNew, blnOnlyOne)
Dim arrOrig() As String
Dim intDebug As Boolean
Dim arrVerses() As String
Dim arrVerses2() As String
Dim strChapter1, strChapter2, strVerse1, strVerse2 As String
Dim intI, intOKCancel As Integer
arrOrig = Split(strOrig, ".")
intI = 2
Do While IsNumeric(Mid(arrOrig(1), intI, 1)) Or Mid(arrOrig(1), intI, 1) = "-" Or Mid(arrOrig(1), intI, 1) = ":"
intI = intI + 1
intI = intI - 2
arrOrig(1) = Mid(arrOrig(1), 2, intI)
arrVerses = Split(arrOrig(1), "-")
strChapter1 = Split(arrVerses(0), ":")(0)
If InStr(arrVerses(0), ":") = 0 Then
strVerse1 = strChapter1
strChapter1 = "0"
If blnOnlyOne = False Then
strNew = ""
Exit Sub
End If
strVerse1 = Split(arrVerses(0), ":")(1)
End If
If InStr(arrOrig(1), "-") > 0 Then
         arrVerses2 = Split(arrVerses(1), ":")
If InStr(arrVerses(1), ":") > 0 Then
If arrVerses2(1) <> " " Then
strChapter2 = arrVerses2(0)
strVerse2 = arrVerses2(1)
strVerse2 = arrVerses2(0)
strChapter2 = strChapter1
End If
intI = 1
Do While Mid(strVerse2, intI, 1) >= "0" And Mid(strVerse2, intI, 1) <= "9"
intI = intI + 1
intI = intI - 1
strVerse2 = Left(strVerse2, intI)
intI = 1
Do While Mid(strVerse1, intI, 1) >= "0" And Mid(strVerse1, intI, 1) <= "9"
intI = intI + 1
intI = intI - 1
strVerse1 = Left(strVerse1, intI)
strVerse2 = arrVerses2(0)

strChapter2 = strChapter1

intI = 1
Do While Mid(strVerse2, intI, 1) >= "0" And Mid(strVerse2, intI, 1) <= "9"
intI = intI + 1
intI = intI - 1
strVerse2 = Left(strVerse2, intI)
intI = 1
Do While Mid(strVerse1, intI, 1) >= "0" And Mid(strVerse1, intI, 1) <= "9"
intI = intI + 1
intI = intI - 1
strVerse1 = Left(strVerse1, intI)
If strVerse2 = "" Then strVerse2 = strVerse1
End If
intI = 1
Do While Mid(strVerse1, intI, 1) >= "0" And Mid(strVerse1, intI, 1) <= "9"
intI = intI + 1
intI = intI - 1
strVerse1 = Left(strVerse1, intI)
strVerse2 = strVerse1
strChapter2 = strChapter1
End If
strChapter1 = Trim(strChapter1)
strChapter2 = Trim(strChapter2)
strVerse1 = Trim(strVerse1)
strVerse2 = Trim(strVerse2)
If strChapter1 = strChapter2 And strVerse1 = strVerse2 Then
strChapter2 = "888"
strVerse2 = "888"
ElseIf strChapter1 = strChapter2 And strVerse2 <> strVerse1 Then
strVerse2 = Trim(Str(888 - Val(strVerse2)))
strChapter2 = Trim(Str(888 - Val(strChapter2)))
strChapter2 = Trim(Str(888 - Val(strChapter2)))
strVerse2 = Trim(Str(888 - Val(strVerse2)))
End If
Do While Len(strChapter1) < 3
strChapter1 = " " & strChapter1
Do While Len(strVerse1) < 3
strVerse1 = " " & strVerse1
Do While Len(strChapter2) < 3
strChapter2 = " " & strChapter2
Do While Len(strVerse2) < 3
strVerse2 = " " & strVerse2
strNew = strChapter1 & strVerse1 & strChapter2 & strVerse2
End Sub
Did I misunderstand how stories work.
Grateful for any suggestions,

Last edited by macropod; 02-24-2021 at 02:14 PM. Reason: Added code tags
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Old 03-04-2021, 09:47 PM
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macropod macropod is offline Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping Windows 10 Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping Office 2016
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Rather than trying to decipher your code, I've updated my own to handle footnotes and endnotes. See:

If you want to continue developing your own code, my updated code (which has required a substantial re-write in some respects) should give you a good idea of what's required.
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]
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Old 03-05-2021, 04:33 AM
VBAFiddler VBAFiddler is offline Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping Windows 10 Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping Office 2016
Macro running very slowly, and possibly looping
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 14
VBAFiddler is on a distinguished road

Hi Paul,

Very many thanks for this. It makes things a lot more clear.
Massively helpful!
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bible, index, optimisation

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