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Old 03-29-2018, 05:04 AM
WJSwan WJSwan is offline Scripture Index Windows 10 Scripture Index Office 2007
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Default Scripture Index

Good day,

Has anyone written Word Macro to pick up all Bible references (e.g. Genesis 5, Genesis 6:3, Ge. 5:1, Ps. 51:3, etc.) and to generate an automatic index for the document?

Willem Swanepoel
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Old 03-29-2018, 01:55 PM
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Try the Prepare_Bible_Refs and Tabulate_Bible_Refs macros below.

The first thing to note is that the code looks for Bible book references in a specific format (e.g. Gen. for Genesis), as defined in 'StrBks'. If yours are different, you can edit the definitions in 'StrBks' to suit. The code also requires books beginning with numerals (e.g. 1 Ki.) to have a non-breaking space between the numeral and the book's (abbreviated) name. If your document doesn't already use non-breaking spaces there, you can correct that before running the macros via a wildcard Find/Replace, where:
Find = (<[1-3]) ([CJKPST][a-z]@>)
Replace = \1^s\2
This also has the advantage of ensuring book references like '1 Ki.', '2|Tim.', etc., are kept together on the same line.

The next thing to note is that the Tabulate_Bible_Refs macro, which actually builds the index table, doesn't handle the second & subsequent references in sequences like Gen. 1:1, 5; 3:7, etc. That's where the Prepare_Bible_Refs macro comes in. The Prepare_Bible_Refs turns sequences like Gen. 1:1, 5; 3:7 into Gen. 1:1, Gen. 1:5; Gen. 3:7, but with the red text formatted as hidden so it doesn't compromise the existing layout.

Finally, by default, the output is sent to a single-column table at the end of the document. If you want it to appear somewhere else, select that location and apply a bookmark named '_Bible_Refs' to it. And, if you want a multi-column layout, format that portion of your document with as many columns as you need. On Letter/A4 paper, a 3-column layout works well for this.

Although you need them, you don't need to run the MakeDupes, HideDupes, & ApplyStyle macros in the last code block below - they're called automatically as needed.
Option Explicit
Dim StrBks As String

Sub Prepare_Bible_Refs()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 ' This macro checks the body of a document for biblical verses
 ' and applies a custom 'Ref' character Style to them. It is
 ' assumed books beginning with numerals have a non-breaking
 ' space between the numeral and the book's (abbreviated) name.
 ' Consecutive verse refs are all fully expressed (e.g.
 ' Acts 1:1; 2:3, 14 becomes Acts 1:1; Acts 2:3, Acts 2:14).
 ' The macro then formats the added text as hidden, so it can
 ' be suppressed for display & print purposes.
 ' It is also coloured red for an added visual queue.
 ' After running the macro, you may want to remove the 'Ref' Style
 ' from some verses (e.g. in quoted text where the book names are
 ' not abbreviated) before running the tabulation macro.
StrBks = Replace(",Gen.,Ex.,Lev.,Num.,Deut.,Josh.,Judges,Ruth,1|Sam.,2|Sam.," & _
  "1|Ki.,2|Ki.,1|Chr.,2|Chr.,Ezra,Neh.,Esth.,Job,Ps.,Prov.,Eccl.,Song,Is.,Jer.,Lam.," & _
  "Ezek.,Dan.,Hos.,Joel,Amos,Obad.,Jonah,Mic.,Nah.,Hab.,Zeph.,Hagg.,Zech.,Mal.,Matt.," & _
  "Mark,Luke,John,Acts,Rom.,1|Cor.,2|Cor.,Gal.,Eph.,Phil.,Col.,1|Thess.,2|Thess.," & _
  "1|Tim.,2|Tim.,Tit.,Phlm.,Heb.,Jas.,1|Pet.,2|Pet.,1|John,2|John,3|John,Jude,Rev.,", "|", Chr(160))
Dim Doc As Document, FNt As Footnote, ENt As Endnote
Set Doc = ActiveDocument
 ' Add the 'Ref' Style if not already present
On Error Resume Next
Doc.Styles.Add Name:="Ref", Type:=wdStyleTypeCharacter
On Error GoTo 0
 ' Duplicate book/chapter refs for repeated bible verses.
Call MakeDupes(Doc, Replace("<[1-3]^s[A-Z][a-z.]{2|5} [0-9]{1|}:[! .,;”\)]{1|}[;,]", "|", Application.International(wdListSeparator)))
Call MakeDupes(Doc, Replace("<[A-Z][a-z.]{2|5} [0-9]{1|}:[!^s .,;”\)]{1|}[;,]", "|", Application.International(wdListSeparator)))
 ' Apply the 'Ref' Style to all bible verses.
Call ApplyStyle(Doc, Replace("<[1-3]^s[A-Z][a-z.]{2|5} [0-9]{1|}:[!^s .,;\:”'’\)]{1|}", "|", Application.International(wdListSeparator)))
Call ApplyStyle(Doc, Replace("<[A-Z][a-z.]{2|5} [0-9]{1|}:[! .,;\:”'’\)]{1|}", "|", Application.International(wdListSeparator)))
 ' Hide book/chapter refs for repeated bible verses.
Call HideDupes(Doc, Replace("(<[1-3]^s[A-Z][a-z.]{2|5}) [0-9]{1|}:[!^s .,;”\)]{1|}[;,] \1", "|", Application.International(wdListSeparator)))
Call HideDupes(Doc, Replace("(<[A-Z][a-z.]{2|5}) [0-9]{1|}:[!^s .,;”\)]{1|}[;,] \1", "|", Application.International(wdListSeparator)))
 ' Repair footnote & endnote references
For Each FNt In Doc.Footnotes
  FNt.Reference.Style = "Footnote Reference"
For Each ENt In Doc.Endnotes
  ENt.Reference.Style = "Endnote Reference"
End Sub
Sub Tabulate_Bible_Refs()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 ' This macro checks the body of a document for biblical verses
 ' formatted in the custom 'Ref' character Style. These refs are
 ' then tallied and their page references output to a table at the
 ' end of the document, showing the page #s on which they occur.
Dim Doc As Document, RngStry As Range, Rng As Range, Tbl As Table, Pg  As Page, Rct As Rectangle
Dim StrTerms As String, StrFnd As String, StrPages As String, ArrPgs() As String
Dim StrOut As String, StrTmp As String, ColWdth As Single
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, p As Long, bHid As Boolean, bFnd As Boolean
Const StrBkMk As String = "_Bible_Refs"
ColWdth = CentimetersToPoints(5.25)
StrPages = "": StrPages = "": StrTerms = vbCr
bHid = ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText
ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = True
Set Doc = ActiveDocument
'Go through the document looking for biblical verse refs.
With Doc
  'Check whether our table exists. If so, delete it.
  With .Range
    If .Bookmarks.Exists(StrBkMk) Then
      Set Rng = .Bookmarks(StrBkMk).Range
      If Rng.Tables.Count > 0 Then Rng.Tables(1).Delete
      Set Rng = .Characters.Last
    End If
  End With
  .Bookmarks.Add StrBkMk, Rng
  For Each RngStry In .StoryRanges
    Select Case RngStry.StoryType
      Case wdEndnotesStory, wdFootnotesStory, wdMainTextStory
        With RngStry
          With .Find
            .Format = True
            .MatchWildcards = True
            .Text = ""
            .Replacement.Text = ""
            .Style = "Ref"
            .Wrap = wdFindStop
            .MatchWildcards = True
          End With
          Do While .Find.Found = True
            StrTmp = .Text
            ' Pad small Chapter & Verse #s with leading 0s
            If Split(StrTmp, " ")(0) = "Ps." Then
              If Len(Split(Split(StrTmp, " ")(1), ":")(0)) = 1 Then
                StrTmp = Split(StrTmp, " ")(0) & " 00" & Split(StrTmp, " ")(1)
              ElseIf Len(Split(Split(StrTmp, " ")(1), ":")(0)) = 2 Then
                StrTmp = Split(StrTmp, " ")(0) & " 0" & Split(StrTmp, " ")(1)
              End If
              If Len(Split(Split(StrTmp, ":")(1), "-")(0)) = 1 Then
                StrTmp = Split(StrTmp, ":")(0) & ":0" & Split(StrTmp, ":")(1)
              ElseIf Len(Split(Split(StrTmp, ":")(1), "-")(0)) = 2 Then
                StrTmp = Split(StrTmp, ":")(0) & ":00" & Split(StrTmp, ":")(1)
              End If
            ElseIf Len(Split(Split(StrTmp, " ")(1), ":")(0)) = 1 Then
              StrTmp = Split(StrTmp, " ")(0) & " 0" & Split(StrTmp, " ")(1)
            End If
            If Len(Split(Split(StrTmp, ":")(1), "-")(0)) = 1 Then
              StrTmp = Split(StrTmp, ":")(0) & ":0" & Split(StrTmp, ":")(1)
            End If
            'If it's not in the StrTerms list, add it.
            If InStr(StrTerms, vbCr & StrTmp & vbCr) = 0 Then StrTerms = StrTerms & StrTmp & vbCr
            .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
        End With
    End Select
  'Exit if no biblical verse refs have been found.
  If StrTerms = vbCr Then
    MsgBox "No defined terms found." & vbCr & "Aborting.", vbExclamation, "Defined Terms Error"
    GoTo ErrExit
  End If
  'Sort the biblical verse refs
  Set Rng = .Range.Characters.Last
  With Rng
    .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
    .InsertBefore vbCr
    .InsertAfter StrTerms
    .Sort ExcludeHeader:=True, FieldNumber:=1, SortFieldType:=wdSortFieldAlphanumeric, _
    StrTerms = .Text
    .Text = vbNullString
    While Left(StrTerms, 1) = vbCr
      StrTerms = Mid(StrTerms, 2, Len(StrTerms) - 1)
  End With
  'Build the page records for all biblical verse refs in the StrTerms list.
  For i = 0 To UBound(Split(StrTerms, vbCr)) - 1
    StrFnd = Trim(Split(StrTerms, vbCr)(i)): StrPages = " "
    For Each RngStry In .StoryRanges
      Select Case RngStry.StoryType
        Case wdEndnotesStory, wdFootnotesStory, wdMainTextStory
          With RngStry
            With .Find
              .Format = False
              .Text = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(StrFnd, " 0", " "), " 0", " "), ":0", ":"), ":0", ":")
              .Wrap = wdFindStop
              .MatchWholeWord = True
              .MatchWildcards = False
              .MatchCase = True
            End With
            Do While .Find.Found = True
              'If we haven't already found this ref on this page, add it to the list.
              Doc.ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = False
              Select Case RngStry.StoryType
                Case wdMainTextStory
                  j = .Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
                  If InStr(StrPages, " " & j & " ") = 0 Then
                    StrPages = StrPages & j & " "
                  End If
                Case wdEndnotesStory
                  bFnd = False
                  For p = .Endnotes(1).Reference.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) To Doc.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPages)
                    Set Pg = Doc.ActiveWindow.Panes(1).Pages(p)
                    For Each Rct In Pg.Rectangles
                      If .InRange(Rct.Range) Then
                        j = Rct.Range.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
                        bFnd = True: Exit For
                      End If
                    If bFnd = True Then Exit For
                  If InStr(StrPages, " " & j & " ") = 0 Then
                    StrPages = StrPages & j & " "
                  End If
                Case wdFootnotesStory
                  bFnd = False
                  For p = .Footnotes(1).Reference.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber) To Doc.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPages)
                    Set Pg = Doc.ActiveWindow.Panes(1).Pages(p)
                    For Each Rct In Pg.Rectangles
                      If .InRange(Rct.Range) Then
                        j = Rct.Range.Information(wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber)
                        bFnd = True: Exit For
                      End If
                    If bFnd = True Then Exit For
                  If InStr(StrPages, " " & j & " ") = 0 Then
                    StrPages = StrPages & j & " "
                  End If
              End Select
              Doc.ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = True
          End With
      End Select
    If StrPages <> " " Then
      ArrPgs() = Split(Trim(StrPages), " ")
      WordBasic.SortArray ArrPgs()
      'Add the current record to the output list (StrOut)
      StrOut = StrOut & StrFnd & vbTab & Join(ArrPgs(), ", ") & vbCr
    End If
  With .Range
    If .Bookmarks.Exists(StrBkMk) Then Set Rng = .Bookmarks(StrBkMk).Range
  End With
  'Output the found biblical verse refs as a table at the end of the document.
  With Rng
    'Calculate the number of table lines for the data.
    j = UBound(Split(StrOut, vbCr))
    Set Tbl = .Tables.Add(Range:=.Duplicate, NumRows:=j + 1, NumColumns:=1)
    With Tbl
      .AllowAutoFit = False
      .LeftPadding = 0
      .RightPadding = 0
      'Define the overall table layout.
      With .Range.ParagraphFormat
        .Style = wdStyleNormal
        .RightIndent = 0
        With .TabStops
          .Add Position:=ColWdth, Alignment:=wdAlignTabRight, Leader:=wdTabLeaderDots
        End With
        .SpaceBefore = 0
        .SpaceAfter = 0
      End With
      'Populate & format the header row.
      With .Cell(1, 1).Range
        .Text = "Passage" & vbTab & "Pages"
        .ParagraphFormat.KeepWithNext = True
      End With
      With .Rows.First
        'Apply the heading row attribute so that the table header repeats after a page break.
        .HeadingFormat = True
        'Delete the header row's tab leaders.
        With .Range
          With .ParagraphFormat.TabStops
            .Add Position:=ColWdth, Alignment:=wdAlignTabRight, Leader:=wdTabLeaderSpaces
          End With
          .Font.Bold = True
        End With
      End With
      For i = 0 To j - 1
       ' Populate the data rows
       .Cell(i + 2, 1).Range.Text = Split(StrOut, vbCr)(i)
      .Columns.Add .Columns(1)
      ' Bookmark the table.
      Doc.Bookmarks.Add Name:=StrBkMk, Range:=Tbl.Range
      StrFnd = "": k = 0
      For i = 2 To .Rows.Count
        StrTmp = Split(.Cell(i, 2).Range.Text, " ")(0)
        If StrFnd <> StrTmp Then
          For j = 1 To UBound(Split(StrBks, ",")) - 1
            If Split(StrBks, ",")(j) = StrTmp Then
              StrFnd = StrTmp: k = j: Exit For
            End If
        End If
        .Cell(i, 1).Range.Text = j
      ' Sort the table
      .Sort ExcludeHeader:=True, FieldNumber:=1, SortFieldType:=wdSortFieldNumeric, SortOrder:=wdSortOrderAscending
      j = CLng(Split(.Cell(.Rows.Count, 1).Range.Text, vbCr)(0))
      For i = .Rows.Count To 2 Step -1
        If j <> CLng(Split(.Cell(i, 1).Range.Text, vbCr)(0)) Then
          j = CLng(Split(.Cell(i, 1).Range.Text, vbCr)(0))
          .Rows.Add .Rows(i + 1)
        End If
      ' Delete leading 0s from small Chapter & Verse #s
      With .Range.Find
        .MatchWildcards = True
        .Text = Replace("([ :])[0]{1|2}", "|", Application.International(wdListSeparator))
        .Replacement.Text = "\1"
        .Wrap = wdFindStop
        .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
      End With
      ' Finalize table formatting
      .PreferredWidthType = wdPreferredWidthPoints
      .PreferredWidth = ColWdth
      .Rows.Alignment = wdAlignRowCenter
    End With
  End With
End With
'Clean up and exit.
Set RngStry = Nothing: Set Rct = Nothing: Set Rng = Nothing: Set Tbl = Nothing: Set Doc = Nothing
ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = bHid
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub MakeDupes(Doc As Document, StrFnd As String)
Dim RngStry As Range, Rng As Range, StrBk As String, StrCh As String
For Each RngStry In Doc.StoryRanges
  Select Case RngStry.StoryType
    Case wdEndnotesStory, wdFootnotesStory, wdMainTextStory
      With RngStry
        With .Find
          .Wrap = wdFindStop
          .MatchWildcards = True
          .Text = StrFnd
        End With
        Do While .Find.Found = True
          Set Rng = .Duplicate.Words.First
          With Rng
            If .Characters.Last <> " " Then
              .MoveEndUntil " ", wdForward
              .End = .End + 1
            End If
          StrBk = .Text
          .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
          .MoveEndUntil ":", wdForward
          .End = .End + 1
          StrCh = .Text
          End With
          Set Rng = .Duplicate.Characters.Last
          With Rng
            .End = .End + 2
            If .Characters.Last Like "[0-9]" Then
              .MoveEndWhile "[0-9]", wdForward
              If Not .Characters.Last.Next Like "[  A-Za-z]" Then
                If .Characters.First = "," Then
                  .Characters(2).InsertAfter StrBk & StrCh
                  .Characters(2).InsertAfter StrBk
                End If
              End If
            End If
          End With
          .Collapse wdCollapseStart
          .Start = .Words.First.End
      End With
  End Select
End Sub

Sub ApplyStyle(Doc As Document, StrFnd As String)
Dim RngStry As Range
For Each RngStry In Doc.StoryRanges
  Select Case RngStry.StoryType
    Case wdEndnotesStory, wdFootnotesStory, wdMainTextStory
      With RngStry
        With .Find
          .Wrap = wdFindStop
          .MatchWildcards = True
          .Text = StrFnd
        End With
        Do While .Find.Found = True
          If InStr(StrBks, "," & Split(.Text, " ")(0) & ",") > 0 Then .Style = "Ref"
          .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
      End With
  End Select
End Sub

Sub HideDupes(Doc As Document, StrFnd As String)
Dim RngStry As Range, Rng As Range, StrBk As String, StrCh As String, i As Long
For Each RngStry In Doc.StoryRanges
  Select Case RngStry.StoryType
    Case wdEndnotesStory, wdFootnotesStory, wdMainTextStory
      With RngStry
        With .Find
          .Wrap = wdFindStop
          .MatchWildcards = True
          .Text = StrFnd
        End With
        Do While .Find.Found = True
          Set Rng = .Duplicate.Words.First
          With Rng
            If .Characters.Last <> " " Then
              .MoveEndUntil " ", wdForward
              .End = .End + 1
            End If
            StrBk = .Text
            .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
            .MoveEndUntil ":", wdForward
            .End = .End + 1
            StrCh = .Text
            .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
            .MoveStartUntil StrBk, wdForward
            .Start = .Start + 1
            .End = .Start + Len(StrBk)
            .Font.Hidden = True
            .Font.ColorIndex = wdRed
            With .Duplicate
              .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
              .End = .Start + Len(StrCh)
              If .Text = StrCh Then
                .Font.Hidden = True
                .Font.ColorIndex = wdRed
              End If
            End With
          End With
          .Collapse wdCollapseStart
          .Start = .Words.First.End
      End With
  End Select
End Sub
Note: Ideally, one would declare & populate 'StrBks' as a constant. Due to the limitations of the board software, though, non-breaking spaces are not properly reproduced here. Accordingly, I've had to address their usage in a different way in the code. As the code uses Word's wildcard Find/Replace function, it's also slightly more complicated than it might otherwise need to be so as to deal with any internationalisation issues.

For PC macro installation & usage instructions, see: Installing Macros
For Mac macro installation & usage instructions, see: Word:mac - Install a Macro
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]
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Old 03-29-2018, 10:08 PM
WJSwan WJSwan is offline Scripture Index Windows 10 Scripture Index Office 2007
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Default Thanks

Thank you very much, I will give it a go.

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Old 03-30-2018, 05:33 AM
WJSwan WJSwan is offline Scripture Index Windows 10 Scripture Index Office 2007
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WJSwan is on a distinguished road
Default Solved first problem

Good afternoon,

It seems to not work correctly:

1 Joh. 2:1; 3:1

Is changed to

1 Joh. 2:1; Joh. 1 Joh.3:1

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Old 03-30-2018, 05:49 AM
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I've used the code I posted to produce an index with over 550 entries spanning nearly 500 verses without encountering anything like that. Provided the non-breaking spaces are implemented as described in post #2, I can't see how the result you've posted would be possible. Starting out with:
1 Joh. 2:1; 3:1
I would expect to see:
1 Joh. 2:1; 1 Joh. 3:1
after the processing has been done.
Paul Edstein
[Fmr MS MVP - Word]
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Old 03-31-2018, 02:35 AM
WJSwan WJSwan is offline Scripture Index Windows 10 Scripture Index Office 2007
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Thank you Paul, much appreciated!!
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