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Old 06-19-2016, 07:10 AM
jpl jpl is offline VBA and Omath object Windows 7 64bit VBA and Omath object Office 2010 32bit
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Default VBA and Omath object

Bonjour à vous.
I try to write equations by means of macro.
To insert structures into my equations, I use the OMathFunctions. Add method.
My macros work most of the time, except when I use the OmathFunctionText function with the constant wdOMathFunctionText.

Macro QuiMarche makes for what I expect from it:
Sub QuiMarche()
      Dim monEq As OMath, maFonction As OMathFunction, maPlage As Range
      Set monEq = ActiveDocument.OMaths.Add(Selection.Range).OMaths(1)
      'on insère le radical
      Set maPlage = monEq.Range
      Set maFonction = monEq.Functions.Add(Range:=maPlage, Type:=wdOMathFunctionRad)
      maFonction.Rad.Deg.Range.Text = "3": maFonction.Rad.e.Range.Text = "8"
      'on insère la suite
      Set maPlage = maFonction.Range
      maPlage.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
      maPlage.Text = " est égal à 2."
      Set maFonction = monEq.Functions.Add(Range:=maPlage, Type:=wdOMathFunctionNormalText)
  End Sub
If I modify the last line, the macro emits an error message which I do not understand:

Erreur d'exécution '6219' : Impossible d'appliquer la fonction texte à une sélection.

Sub QuiNeMarchePas()
      Dim monEq As OMath, maFonction As OMathFunction, maPlage As Range
      Set monEq = ActiveDocument.OMaths.Add(Selection.Range).OMaths(1)
      'on insère le radical
      Set maPlage = monEq.Range
      Set maFonction = monEq.Functions.Add(Range:=maPlage, Type:=wdOMathFunctionRad)
      maFonction.Rad.Deg.Range.Text = "3": maFonction.Rad.e.Range.Text = "8"
      'on insère la suite
      Set maPlage = maFonction.Range
      maPlage.Collapse direction:=wdCollapseEnd
      maPlage.Text = "=2"
      Set maFonction = monEq.Functions.Add(Range:=maPlage, Type:=wdOMathFunctionText)
  End Sub
If I neutralize the last line, the macro works.

I have never managed to use the OmathFunctionText function without that error message. In what circumstances is it possible to use this function, and what is its utility?

In French
Je cherche à écrire des équations à l'aide de macros.
Pour insérer des structures dans mes équations, j'utilise la méthode OMathFunctions.Add.
Mes macros fonctionnent la plupart du temps, sauf quand j'utilise la fonction OmathFunctionText avec la constante wdOMathFunctionText.

La macro QuiMarche fait ce que j'en attends :

Si je modifie la dernière ligne, la macro émet un message d'erreur que je ne comprends pas :
Erreur d'exécution '6219' : Impossible d'appliquer la fonction texte à une sélection.
Si je neutralise la dernière ligne, la macro fonctionne.

Je n'ai jamais réussi à utiliser la fonction OmathFunctionText sans le même message d'erreur. Dans quelles circonstances est il possible d'utiliser cette fonction, et quelle est son utilité ?
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Old 10-18-2019, 05:55 AM
George Keeling George Keeling is offline VBA and Omath object Windows 10 VBA and Omath object Office 2019
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Default Bonjour, I have this problem too! Did you find an solution?

I have this problem too! Did you find an solution?
I am using this code which is very similar to yours:
Sub ExampleWriteExpression()
    'insertion point should be in equation. Metric expression written (wdOMathFunctionScrSub) at end. Then
    Dim LetterCode As Integer, Letter0 As Integer
    Dim Equation As OMath
    Dim MathTerm As OMathFunction
    Dim MyRange As Range
    If Selection.OMaths.Count <> 1 Then ExpanderFatalError ("Cursor must be in an equation.")
    Set Equation = Selection.OMaths(1)
    Set MyRange = Equation.Range
    MyRange.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
    Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(MyRange, wdOMathFunctionScrSub)
    MathTerm.ScrSub.E.Range = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSub.Sub.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
    Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(MyRange, wdOMathFunctionNormalText) 'does not add anything to Equation.Functions
    Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(MyRange, wdOMathFunctionText) 'error 6219
                                                                        'The text function cannot be applied to a selection
    'We do want to add a wdOMathFunctionText, because that is the kind of function we had 
    'when the original equation just contains X or X= as can be seen in the debugger
End Sub
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Old 10-19-2019, 01:41 AM
jpl jpl is offline VBA and Omath object Windows 7 64bit VBA and Omath object Office 2010 32bit
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Votre message ne me rajeunit pas !
Mes conclusions sont les suivantes :
Dans une équation, on peut insérer 21 structures, qui correspondent à l'énumération WdOMathFunctionType.
Par défaut, on insère du texte au format math (qui correspond à la constante wdOMathFunctionText).
On n'a donc pas besoin d'utiliser OMath.Functions.Add pour insérer du texte au format math.
La macro suivante montre la différence entre les deux formes de texte dans une équation.
Sub TexteMathTexteNormal()
   Dim monEq As OMath, maFonction As OMathFunction, maPlage As Range
   Set monEq = ActiveDocument.OMaths.Add(Selection.Range).OMaths(1)
   'on insere du texte au format math : on n'a pas besoin de la méthode Add
   Set maPlage = monEq.Range
   maPlage.Text = "type=wdOMathFunctionText"
   'on insere du texte au format normal : on utilise la méthode Add
   maPlage.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
   maPlage.Text = "type=wdOMathFunctionNormalText"
   Set maFonction = monEq.Functions.Add(Range:=maPlage, Type:=wdOMathFunctionNormalText)
  End Sub
Si on met un point d'arrêt à la dernière instruction, on voit bien que le texte "type=wdOMathFunctionNormalText" est inséré au format math, avant d'être converti en texte normal.
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Old 10-19-2019, 06:35 AM
George Keeling George Keeling is offline VBA and Omath object Windows 10 VBA and Omath object Office 2019
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Default Another solution

Merci jpl. Peut-être que cela vous rajeunira!
Sub ExampleWriteExpression()
    'insertion point should be in equation. Metric + inverse metric inserted
    Dim Equation As OMath
    Dim MathTerm As OMathFunction

    If Selection.OMaths.Count <> 1 Then ExpanderFatalError ("Cursor must be in an equation.")
    Set Equation = Selection.OMaths(1)
    Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(Selection.Range, wdOMathFunctionScrSub)
    MathTerm.ScrSub.E.Range = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSub.Sub.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
    Selection.TypeText ("+")
'    Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(Selection.Range, wdOMathFunctionText) still gets error

    Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(Selection.Range, wdOMathFunctionScrSup)
    MathTerm.ScrSup.E.Range = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSup.Sup.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
End Sub
I believe that the Add method is defective when type=wdOMathFunctionText is used.
The above is another solution. But it does not solve the problem of aligning the selection in the equation. I have documented the problem more fully here and presented some code for expanding the Christoffel symbol.
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Old 10-19-2019, 12:02 PM
jpl jpl is offline VBA and Omath object Windows 7 64bit VBA and Omath object Office 2010 32bit
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Dans la macro ExampleWriteExpression, on peut éviter l'utilisation de l'instruction Selection.TypeText en utilisant un objet Range (que l'on modifie après chaque utilisation de la méthode Add) à la place de l'objet Selection.
La macro modifiée insère la chaîne Metric + inverse metric - metric à la position courante du curseur dans l'équation.

Les 4 lignes de codes de la modification peuvent être remplacées par une procédure prenant en paramètre un objet Range, et une chaîne représentant le signe + ou - à insérer.

Je ne sais pas si ceci est transposable à votre code.

Sub ExampleWriteExpression()
    'insertion point should be in equation. Metric + inverse metric - metric inserted
    Dim Equation As OMath
    Dim MathTerm As OMathFunction
    Dim plage As Range
    '    If Selection.OMaths.Count <> 1 Then ExpanderFatalError ("Cursor must be in an equation.")
    Set Equation = Selection.OMaths(1)
    'Initialisation de l'objet plage  à la position du curseur dans l'équation
    Set plage = Selection.Range
    Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(plage, wdOMathFunctionScrSub)
    MathTerm.ScrSub.E.Range.Text = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSub.Sub.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
    'remplace "Selection.TypeText"
    Set plage = MathTerm.Range
    plage.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
    plage.Text = "+"
    plage.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)

    Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(plage, wdOMathFunctionScrSup)
    MathTerm.ScrSup.E.Range = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSup.Sup.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
    'remplace "Selection.TypeText"
    Set plage = MathTerm.Range
    plage.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
    plage.Text = "-"
    plage.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)

    Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(plage, wdOMathFunctionScrSub)
    MathTerm.ScrSub.E.Range.Text = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSub.Sub.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
  End Sub
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Old 10-19-2019, 02:13 PM
jpl jpl is offline VBA and Omath object Windows 7 64bit VBA and Omath object Office 2010 32bit
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Nouvelle version
Sub ExampleWriteExpression()
  'insertion point should be in equation. Metric + inverse metric - metric inserted
  Dim Equation As OMath
  Dim MathTerm As OMathFunction
  Dim plage As Range

  '    If Selection.OMaths.Count <> 1 Then ExpanderFatalError ("Cursor must be in an equation.")
  Set Equation = Selection.OMaths(1)
  Set plage = Selection.Range

  Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(plage, wdOMathFunctionScrSub)
  MathTerm.ScrSub.E.Range.Text = "g"
  MathTerm.ScrSub.Sub.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)

  'remplace "Selection.TypeText"
  Set plage = Insere(MathTerm.Range, "+")

  Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(plage, wdOMathFunctionScrSup)
  MathTerm.ScrSup.E.Range = "g"
  MathTerm.ScrSup.Sup.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)

  'remplace "Selection.TypeText"
  Set plage = Insere(MathTerm.Range, "-")

  Set MathTerm = Equation.Functions.Add(plage, wdOMathFunctionScrSub)
  MathTerm.ScrSub.E.Range.Text = "g"
  MathTerm.ScrSub.Sub.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
End Sub

Function Insere(plage As Range, signe As String) As Range
  plage.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
  plage.Text = signe
  plage.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
  Set Insere = plage
End Function
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Old 10-21-2019, 06:44 AM
George Keeling George Keeling is offline VBA and Omath object Windows 10 VBA and Omath object Office 2019
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Thank you, Merci and Danke, jpl! It is certainly a great improvement to avoid using Selection.TypeText but if you remove the line
Set plage = Insere(MathTerm.Range, "+")
then the inverse metric appears before the metric! Grrr. So I have made what I hope is a further improvement so that functions and text can be added in the expected order:
Function InsertFunction(Functions As OMathFunctions, InsertionPoint As Range, FuncType As WdOMathFunctionType) As OMathFunction
    'Add a function in Functions at InsertionPoint and move InsertionPoint to after the function, ready for next
    Dim NewFunction As OMathFunction
    Set NewFunction = Functions.Add(InsertionPoint, FuncType)
    Set InsertionPoint = NewFunction.Range
    InsertionPoint.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
    Set InsertFunction = NewFunction
End Function

Sub InsertText(InsertionPoint As Range, MyText As String)
    'Inserts MyText at InsertionPoint and returns moves InsertionPoint to after that text
    'so this is very similar to
    'Equation.Functions.Add(InsertionPoint, wdOMathFunctionNormalText) .... which does not work!!
    InsertionPoint.Text = MyText
    InsertionPoint.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
End Sub

Sub ExampleWriteExpression()
    'insertion point should be in equation. Metric + inverse metric inserted
    Dim Equation As OMath
    Dim MathTerm As OMathFunction
    Dim InsertionPoint As Range

    'If Selection.OMaths.Count <> 1 Then ExpanderFatalError ("Cursor must be in an equation.")
    Set Equation = Selection.OMaths(1)
    Set InsertionPoint = Selection.Range
    Set MathTerm = InsertFunction(Equation.Functions, InsertionPoint, wdOMathFunctionScrSub)
    MathTerm.ScrSub.E.Range = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSub.Sub.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
    Call InsertText(InsertionPoint, "+")

    Set MathTerm = InsertFunction(Equation.Functions, InsertionPoint, wdOMathFunctionScrSup)
    MathTerm.ScrSup.E.Range = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSup.Sup.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
End Sub
This works perfectly for expanding horrid symbols and tensors in General Relativity which is what I want to do.
There is only one catch! If you insert brackets (wdOMathFunctionDelim) then you need to back up one character to get inside the brackets. Something like:
    InsertionPoint.Start = InsertionPoint.Start - 1       'get into the bracket
    InsertionPoint.Collapse (wdCollapseStart)
I will also update the page on my website that I referenced above. It inserts brackets.
Thanks again! A great example of international collaboration.
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