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Old 10-03-2008, 03:42 AM
inferno inferno is offline
Excel or Access ?
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 1
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Default Excel or Access ?

i have created an excel sheet containing different construction materials with their physical propreties and i m trying to create something that allow me in another sheet to easily find and select some materials from the databse to use them for calculations..
i ll try to explain more ..i want a cellule where i can type some letters and it will shortlist for me the potential materials that contains the letters i typed..and when i choose the spedific materials, microsoft office should get the other fileds corresponding to this material and insert them in specific cellules to perform calculations...
maybe like the list of countries in all windows and online applications.... when u type a letter only the coutries starting with this letter will appear...
i was trying the lookup and reference functions in excel .. but couldn t find what i want.. so what should i do ??
it is right to do this in excel ? or should i use access ?
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