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Old 01-26-2016, 05:53 AM
m85miller m85miller is offline Windows 10 Office 2013
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Default Writing a VBA code for printing multiple sheets in a workbook

Good Morning-

I have a small workbook of 6 tabs. I want three of those tabs (Cover Page, Supporting Evidence, and Recommendations) to print every time you press a command button and the other three (Waiver, LSC, IPC) I want it to look at a specific cell and if that cell has a check mark to then print that page as well. I want them to stay in order and also give page numbers when printed.

Right now this code is printing all the pages.

Here is the code I am currently using:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
For Each ws In Worksheets
Select Case ws.Name

Case "Cover Page"

Case "Supporting Evidence"

Case "Recommendations"

Case "Waiver"

Case "LSC"

Case "IPC"

End Select


End Sub

I was given some help and have updated the code to:

Case "Waiver"
If WS.Range("A6", "F6") = ChrW(&H2713) Then 'or ChrW(&H2714) for heavy checkmark
End If
Case "Lump Sum Compromise"
If WS.Range("A6","F6") = ChrW(&H2713) Then
End If
Case "Installment Plan Compromise"
If WS.Range("A6","F6") = ChrW(&H2713) Then
End If

However I am still not getting the 3 option pages (Waiver, LSC and IPC) to print if I have a checked box in cell "A6" or "F6". Below I have tried to update the code to go to each sheet and look at 2 cells for a checked box (the checked box I am using is from the ActiveX Controls and I have named each check box, for example on the "waiver" sheet the names of the checked boxes are cbW1 and cbW2. Any further assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I am getting a Run-time error '13: Type mismatch

Thanks in advance for the help!
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