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Old 11-14-2015, 02:52 AM
anony1 anony1 is offline Windows 10 Office 2007
Join Date: Nov 2015
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Default Rule to forward email using rule to

Hi all, first post, don't use forums much and sure will appreciate any help

OK, I have Office 2007 installed and recently became an avid fan of OneNote 2016 (full desktop install). It's free and just awesome. I have my registered Microsoft email set up and when I log in and create an email to, it appears in my preset notebook. Awesome, no problem.

I'm trying to set up a rule up in my Microsoft account so when I email myself with the rule criteria, the rule automatically forwards it to OneNote. It'd be good to do this as when I'm on somebody else's computer, or in some other place, emailing myself with the rule should forward it. But it doesn't.

Let's say my address is

I have the rule

If subject contains *#* then forward to

So, I'm at somebody's house who uses the email address I want to put in my notebook a particular file so I create an email, add the file, and address it to with the subject "*#* Research paper about recycled paper".

So I thought the process here is the email would hit my inbox (which it does) and the rule says "aah, it has *#* so I'll forward it to", but it doesn't.

Can anybody see what I've done wrong here and any suggestions how to fix it up so it works?

Thank you.
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