Thread: [Solved] Folders in Outlook 2013
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Old 08-19-2015, 05:45 PM
Newmarket2 Newmarket2 is offline Windows 7 64bit Office 2013
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 19
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It's not simple, but once you've done it, it's easier....
click in the search bar (upper right)
SEARCH TOOLS appears in menu
select SEARCH TOOLS icon, which creates a pull down
once open, click ADVANCED tab
down to click FIELD and select from the pull down DATE/TIMES and from the next pull down RECEIVED
then in the next panel to the right RECEIVED
and enter a data range...
I don't recall how to format this, but it can be done, so keep experimenting.
click ADD TO LIST button.
[you might be able to create two ranges, but I don't know if the two are treated as an OR or an AND]
Note that you can only search on one folder at a time.
I've always been able to search all subfolders when I select a parent folder, but that might require a choice somewhere else... a choice I made once in 2003 and never had to do again....
It can't search to parallel folders at the same, it can't search your root .pst folder AND an inbox...those require 2 searches.
Wow! That does sound complicated, but I've been doing advanced searches for so long it does get easy...
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