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Old 12-22-2005, 05:38 PM
markp markp is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 1
Default Retrict Method Condition

Hello, I'm trying to write a vba function to retrieve a task that I place in the task folder through vba.
Here is the code to place the task. This code is in an Access 2002 db program.
Function fncAddOutlookTask(TaskSubject As String, TaskBody As String, TaskDueDate As Date, _
            TaskReminder As Boolean)
    Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application
    Dim OutlookTask As Outlook.TaskItem

    Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set OutlookTask = OutlookApp.CreateItem(olTaskItem)

    With OutlookTask
        .Subject = TaskSubject
        .Body = TaskBody
        .DueDate = TaskDueDate
        .ReminderSet = TaskReminder
        .ReminderPlaySound = True
        .ReminderSoundFile = "C:\Windows\Media\Ding.wav"    'Modify path.
    End With
End Function
Here is the code I am using to retrieve the task.
Function fncRetrieveOutlookTask(TaskSubject As String)
    Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application
    Dim MyTaskList As Outlook.Items
    Dim MyTask As TaskItem
    Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set MyTaskList = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks). _
        Items.Restrict("[Subject] Like '" & TaskSubject & "*'")
    If MyTaskList.Count = 1 Then
        Set MyTask = MyTaskList.Item(0)
        Debug.Print MyTask.Subject & " - " & MyTask.CreationTime
        For Each MyTask In MyTaskList
            Debug.Print MyTask.Subject & " - " & MyTask.CreationTime
    End If

End Function
I want to use the restrict method to pair down the number of tasks and the find the right one. As you can see I have used the "Like" conditional statement, but I keep getting an error with it.

Any ideas?

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