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Old 04-13-2015, 10:01 AM
rosenina18 rosenina18 is offline Windows 7 64bit Office 2007
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Default Add content to Dynamic/Automatic Table of Contents

Hi there,

I'd like to insert some explanatory text under the headings in my Table of Contents. I've generated a TOC automatically by formatting the headings within the text as "Heading 1" "Heading 2" etc. The problem is that when I update the table-- let's say I've added a new heading or I've added pages so I want to the TOC to revise itself-- all that extra text in the TOC itself is lost. I guess the answer is to make a TOC manually, but I'd really prefer to use the automatic version. Any thoughts?

Here is an excerpt of my TOC for clarification. Text I've added to the TOC is in italics:

Plants, animals, fungi, algae, and humans all call this area home. How can we protect and conserve the various kinds of habitat we all need?
Introduction. 125
Infographic 1. 126
Infographic 2. 127
Areas/Zones. 129
Different zones face different issues. In this section, we describe the three major zones and how we propose to address their unique challenges.

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