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Old 05-09-2010, 10:18 AM
biotechguy biotechguy is offline Mac OS X Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac
Join Date: May 2010
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Default Putting a horizontal line in a Word Document -- should be simple, right?

In MS Word, I am trying to insert simple horizontal lines into a resume. I'm using the Object Palette and selecting the plain line. I want it to be absolutely horizontal, but after I highlight the line, even with tiny, tiny mouse movements of one end of the line, Word seems to want to put a tilt to the line. It instantly goes from tilting downward to tilting upward, crossing right through the horizontal that I want. Very frustrating! Sometimes, if only seemingly by chance, it lands on horizontal. I know about the option to adjust the degree of rotation -- from 0 to 360, but that doesn't work most of the time. Someone said something about holding down the shift key when using the mouse, and it might "snap to grid" but this didn't work either. I would sure appreciate anyone's help!

Last edited by biotechguy; 05-09-2010 at 02:00 PM. Reason: add in some extra info
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