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Old 06-27-2014, 05:36 AM
Cosmo Cosmo is offline Windows Vista Office 2007
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Originally Posted by macropod View Post
When doing complex table editing I sometimes find it useful to split the table just above & below where I'm making the edits. Otherwise, cell splitting, moving cell borders and the like can have unwanted effects on other rows. Once the row(s) in question have been edited, re-joining the table is as simple as deleting the paragraph breaks inserted by the split process.
Thanks for the tip, I'm trying that now, and having a few issues.

So, when I first split the table at the point where I was having the issues, the rows at the split shift as they were before, so I'm trying to see if I can add new rows (or copy existing rows) to replace the ones that are causing the issues. Don't know yet if that is going to work.

Also, how do you delete the paragraph break between tables? I can never seem to do so; the only way I have been able to do this is to add a row to the top of the table after the break, and select both the break and the new row to delete.

I did notice something that may be a hint to what's going on, or maybe how to notice when the issue might be occurring. When I viewed the table in Outline view, the table looks like more of a mess than it does in the print view (rows that are ok in the print view are shifted in outline view). Attached is what the same table posted before looks like in Outline view:
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