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Old 04-11-2014, 03:27 AM
TonyC TonyC is offline Windows 7 64bit Office 2013
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Posts: 6
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Default How long before a C2R Office 2013 installation updates following installation?

How long does a click-to-run Office 2013 installation normally take to update following installation?

I installed Office Home and Business 2013 for the first time on Tuesday, the 8 April 2014. I installed from the backup DVD, so my release level is currently the RTM level, namely 15.0.4420.1017, dating back to October 2012.

I am aware of the document, which suggests navigating to the Account page in any Office product (Office Account page in Outlook), and disabling and then enabling updates in order to “kick start” the updating. I’ve tried that, but it doesn’t seem to have had any effect.

The final option suggested by the above referenced document is to repair my Office 2013 installation. But my installation is only three days old, and it was a successful installation, so why should I have to repair it so soon?

Perhaps it takes days, or even weeks, before updating occurs? In which case, I’m just being too impatient. Perhaps my PC needs to run for a certain number of hours in a day before updating occurs? The problem then is that I am a casual home user. I don’t sit at my PC all day. Some days I might logon only for 10 minutes, some days only for half an hour, other days for many hours, and on other days I might not logon at all.

My Office 2013 installation is activated. However, I have never signed in to Office because I see no reason to do so. But it has crossed my mind to ask whether I need to be signed in order to receive updates for Office 2013?

Just a small additional, but related, question. Do I have to be signed in to Office in order to get a choice of Office backgrounds? On the Account page of each Office product, I have only a choice of Office themes at the moment.
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