Thread: [Solved] insert database as field
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Old 03-05-2014, 02:50 AM
david_89_ david_89_ is offline Windows 7 64bit Office 2010 32bit
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Default insert database as field

I have a datasource in an excel file and I am trying to insert a database as a field, where the customer number is equal to a mergefield "customer number"

the code is the following:

{ DATABASE \d "C:\\Statement\\Datasource.xlsx" \s "SELECT `Client Billing Document Number` AS `No Doc`, FORMAT(`Invoice Date`, 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS `Fecha Doc`, FORMAT(`Due Date`, 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS `Vencimiento`, FORMAT(`Client Document Currency Balance`, '##,###,##0.00') AS `Importe`, `Client Document Currency` AS `Moneda` FROM `Data$` WHERE ((`Debtor Number` = '50010117')) ORDER BY `Invoice Date`, `Due Date`" \l "37" \b "51" \h }

the mailmerge works, but it gives an error when it tries to open the datasource.

Error has occurred: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

Word was unable to open the data source

A field calculation error occurred in record 1

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance.
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