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Old 06-09-2009, 05:11 AM
DrewB DrewB is offline Windows XP Office 2003
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 6
DrewB is on a distinguished road

My appologies, I typed that too fast and called the variable two different things, it should have looked more like this:

dim ctr 'this will be the counter for the loop
crt =1
do while ctr <= 20
     me("ComboBox" & ctr).value = "I am box #" & ctr 
     ctr= ctr + 1
The issue I am having is with the me("ComboBox" & ctr).value, it doesn't work as I expected it to, basically I am trying to find a way to find an equvilant to
me.Combobox1.value where I can use a variable instead of the actual combobox name.

Last edited by Bird_FAT; 06-09-2009 at 11:02 PM.
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