Thread: [Solved] Sorting Challenge
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Old 06-22-2012, 09:39 AM
Colin Legg's Avatar
Colin Legg Colin Legg is offline Windows 7 32bit Office 2010 32bit
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Posts: 369
Colin Legg will become famous soon enough

When you use a With... End With block, you have to make sure you close out the block using an End With statement. Your code is missing a few of these End With statements. The easiest way to spot it is to indent your code so that the "With" and the "End With" line up.

Sub SortdataOnly()
    With Sheet2
        'get rid of any null strings stored in the cells for Print
        With .Range("Cr2:DE3980")
            .Value = .Value
        End With
        With .Sort
           'set up the sort fields for Print on (data tab)
            With .SortFields
                .Add Key:=Sheet2.Range("Cr2:Cr3980"), _
                            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
                            Order:=xlAscending, _
                .Add Key:=Sheet2.Range("Cs2:Cs3980"), _
                            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
                            Order:=xlAscending, _
            End With
            'set up the rest of the sort and apply for Print
            .SetRange Sheet2.Range("Cr2:De3980")
            .Header = xlNo
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlSortColumns
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
    End With
    With Sheet2
        'get rid of any null strings stored in the cells for BNY
        With .Range("Dq2:Eb3980")
            .Value = .Value
        End With
        With .Sort
            'set up the sort fields on BNY on (data tab)
            With .SortFields
                .Add Key:=Sheet2.Range("Dq2:Dq3980"), _
                            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
                            Order:=xlAscending, _
                .Add Key:=Sheet2.Range("Dr2:Dr3980"), _
                            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
                            Order:=xlAscending, _
            End With
             'set up the rest of the sort and apply for BNY
            .SetRange Sheet2.Range("Dq2:Eb3980")
            .Header = xlNo
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlSortColumns
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
    End With
    With Sheet2
        'get rid of any null strings stored in the cells for Wilde
        With .Range("En2:Ey3980")
            .Value = .Value
        End With
        With .Sort
            'set up the sort fields on Wilde on (data tab)
            With .SortFields
                .Add Key:=Sheet2.Range("En2:En3980"), _
                            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
                            Order:=xlAscending, _
                .Add Key:=Sheet2.Range("Eo2:Eo3980"), _
                            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
                            Order:=xlAscending, _
           End With
            'set up the rest of the sort and apply for Wilde
            .SetRange Sheet2.Range("En2:Ey3980")
            .Header = xlNo
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlSortColumns
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
    End With
    With Sheet2
        'get rid of any null strings stored in the cells for DS Graphics
        With .Range("Fm2:Fx3980")
            .Value = .Value
        End With
        With .Sort
            'set up the sort fields on DS Graphics on (data tab)
            With .SortFields
                .Add Key:=Sheet2.Range("Fm2:Fm3980"), _
                            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
                            Order:=xlAscending, _
                .Add Key:=Sheet2.Range("Fn2:Fn3980"), _
                            SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, _
                            Order:=xlAscending, _
            End With
            'set up the rest of the sort and apply for DS Graphics
            .SetRange Sheet2.Range("Fm2:Fx3980")
            .Header = xlNo
            .MatchCase = False
            .Orientation = xlSortColumns
            .SortMethod = xlPinYin
        End With
    End With
End Sub

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