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Old 06-20-2012, 03:56 AM
Ilya Y Ilya Y is offline Windows 7 64bit Office 2010 64bit
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 2
Ilya Y is on a distinguished road

So, I had similar discussion on the forum (
Here is quote:
Let s perform a little scenario, step by step:
1.Open or create a presentation by power point.
2.Remove all slides.
3.Remove all layouts.
4.Remove all shapes from the master page.
5.Add a “page number” placeholder to the master page. (let’s look inside the “ppt\slideMasters\slideMaster1.xml”, since this point, we have a shape (‘sp’) which is marked as page number placeholder ”ph type="sldNum"). There is no “hf” – but it is not a problem here because it can be omitted.
6.Add a layout. We will see the “page number” place holder and “Title” place holder. Open the “ppt\slideLayouts\slideLayout1.xml” file – there are two shapes which are marked as placeholders (ph type="sldNum” and ph type="title"). Again, there is no “hf” – and, again, it is not a problem. No magic here))).
7.Attention!!! The problem right now!!!!
8.Add a new slide. We will see ONLY the title placeholder. Inside the “ppt\slides\slide1.xml” we have ONLY one shape (marked as <ph type="title" …>).
Why we don’t have a shape for the "sldNum" placeholder? Why we don’t see it? There is no any “hf” –by default all placeholders should be visible.
Many thanks in advance.
Hi Ilya,
After doing some research on this, it appears that this is not a standards or implementation specific issue but a behaviour problem with PowerPoint (for example, see The Open Specifications and ISO standard are correct. Please post to the Office or Answers forum for help with PowerPoint behavior issues.
Now, I have only the question “Is it a bug or is it a feature”?
What if my chief says: “I want the same behavior” – should I follow to the actual Powerpoint behavior or this behavior will be changed soon in accordance to the standard 29500?
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