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Old 05-12-2012, 10:27 AM
Llewella Llewella is offline Windows XP Office 2003
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 3
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Default Autocorrect in Word not selecting proper entry from list

This is somewhat esoteric, so please bear with me. I use Word 2003 under WINE in ArchLinux.

I have to use autocorrect to do some pretty substantial formatting. I have a lot of formatted auto corrects which are generally bold and in color. For example, I have rw; set to expand to Roger Williams (Bold, Blue) and rv; set up as Robert Vargas (Bold,Red) (not their real names). I'll be typing along fine and then suddenly, rw; will expand to Robert Vargas.

This happens regularly. Autocorrect, instead of expanding to the assigned value, skips to the next (manually entered) auto correct in the list. I've even had it skip to the next auto correct that used to be in the list, though that only happens rarely.

When this happens, if I re-select the proper language, the shortcuts will expand properly for a while, and then eventually start skipping again.

I have renamed my and used a back up. I haven't tried letting Word create a brand new, because I have a substantial number of shortcuts and would really hate to have to recreate them all. I will, of course, if that's necessary, but I hoped someone might have a suggestion as to what the problem might be and how to fix it without taking that particular drastic measure.

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