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Old 09-25-2007, 08:27 AM
danny_boy328 danny_boy328 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 1
Default Changing Port on Project Server PWA


I'm new to the Project Server so please excuse me if I sound rediculous.

Well I had successfully built a project server by using some old guideline that was given to me and also through google. My connection to the server is http:\\servername:95\pwa. As you can see, I set the web page to port 95.

Now I need to change that to use the standard port 80 instead and also make it where the url to be http:\\

I try to go into the extend web application and use the existent IIS web site but that is grey out. I would like to know is there a way I can change the port to the existent page, beside delete and recreate it? If not, by delete and recreate, would it have any impacts on all the works and projects that I had upload onto it.

Also, can someone explained to be why the features on using existent IIS web site is grey out on me. I was able to select that a few weeks ago.

Thanks in advance.
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