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Old 11-28-2008, 12:58 PM
sjkiss sjkiss is offline
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Default help with find and replace

Hi all, I'm revising my dissertation and my citations are in the wrong format.
Currently they look like this:
"text text text (Author name, year)."

They have to look like

"text text text" (Author name, year).

Now, I'm playing with this expression and it's working well.


\2 \1

The problem is as follows. I also have citations to authors that don't have quotes and they look like this.

text text text (Author name, year).

These citations are fine. however, the expression I am using above is capturing passages of text that find a quotation mark at the end of the citation but they're also selecting the entire range of text to the first parenthesis of the second type of citation. So it's selecting an entire passage like this:

(author name, year). text text text text: "jimmy eat world (Author name year)."

What I want is for the find and replace command to completely ignore the first citation and just select the second citation.
Any help?
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