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Old 01-11-2023, 08:40 PM
thomasm516 thomasm516 is offline Windows 10 Office 2019
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Default Find Old Calendar Meeting or Invite


I have the need to find an old calendar meeting and/or invite from almost 2 years ago. I am generally pretty good at searching in Outlook, but this one is escaping me. I have an email, which does not contain the information that I need, but which does nail down the date pretty close, and I know the name of the meeting and the attendees. You'd think that would make it a cinch, but I have come up empty. I even manually looked on the calendars of each of the attendees, going almost 2 months beyond the date range in which I know the meeting occurred. The meeting was essentially a retaliatory act against me by my bosses, so I definitely remember it taking place. It wasn't cancelled or anything like that. It's as if it was deleted from all three calendars.

I really want to find the actual calendar event. If I can't find that, then maybe I can find the meeting invitation, or maybe there is a list in Outlook showing the history of accepted meetings. I need something to prove that this meeting happened.

It just occurred to me that I did not search Deleted Items. Maybe once the meeting invitation is accepted, the invitation gets moved to Delete Items?

I believe that I took a screen shot of my calendar at the time. I haven't been able to find that screen shot yet (Apparently, I did a terrible job of properly filing it away), but that avenue may yet yield fruit.

Anyway, any help that can be offered will be GREATLY appreciated, as old wounds are reopening, and stuff that I thought was over and done is coming back with a vengence.

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