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Old 02-03-2021, 11:15 PM
mbcohn mbcohn is offline Windows 10 Office 2016
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Default search and replace, save, convert to PDF, recursively

So, I have a bunch of nested folders full of Word files.
My goal here is to loop through all the folders, go to each Word file, do a search and replace operation, save the word file, then export a PDF version of that Word file, then move on.

To attempt this, I have cobbled together some answers that I got on this forum to previous questions. But when I run the code, it just hangs, and I have to 'end task' on Word (and it doesn't actually process any documents, as far as I can tell.) What am I doing wrong?

 Option Explicit
Dim FSO As Object, oFolder As Object, StrFolds As String
Sub RecursiveDocuments()
' This recursively goes through a tree of folders
' and does something
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim TopLevelFolder As String
Dim TheFolders As Variant, aFolder As Variant
Dim strFile As String, i As Long
TopLevelFolder = GetFolder
StrFolds = vbCr & TopLevelFolder
If TopLevelFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
If FSO Is Nothing Then
  Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
End If
'Get the sub-folder structure
Set TheFolders = FSO.GetFolder(TopLevelFolder).SubFolders
For Each aFolder In TheFolders
  RecurseWriteFolderName (aFolder)
'Process the documents in each folder
For i = 1 To UBound(Split(StrFolds, vbCr))
strFile = Dir(CStr(Split(StrFolds, vbCr)(i)) & "\*.doc", vbNormal)
Do While strFile <> ""


Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub RecurseWriteFolderName(aFolder)
Dim SubFolders As Variant, SubFolder As Variant
Set SubFolders = FSO.GetFolder(aFolder).SubFolders
StrFolds = StrFolds & vbCr & CStr(aFolder)
On Error Resume Next
For Each SubFolder In SubFolders
  RecurseWriteFolderName (SubFolder)
End Sub
Function GetFolder() As String
Dim oFolder As Object
GetFolder = ""
Set oFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a folder", 0)
If (Not oFolder Is Nothing) Then GetFolder = oFolder.Items.Item.Path
Set oFolder = Nothing
End Function

Sub specsUpdate()
' specsUpdate Macro

    If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial <> wdPaneNone Then
    End If
    If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdNormalView Or ActiveWindow. _
        ActivePane.View.Type = wdOutlineView Then
        ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
    End If
    ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "REVISION A"
        .Replacement.Text = "REVISION B"
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With
    Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
    With Selection.Find
        .Text = "1 APRIL 1776"
        .Replacement.Text = "31 DECEMBER 1492"
        .Forward = True
        .Wrap = wdFindContinue
        .Format = False
        .MatchCase = False
        .MatchWholeWord = False
        .MatchWildcards = False
        .MatchSoundsLike = False
        .MatchAllWordForms = False
    End With
    Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End Sub

Sub batchSpecsUpdate()

 'Written by Richard V. Michaels, Office Apps and Services MVP
    'Browse for files to update
    Dim i As Integer, selFiles() As String
    Dim strFolderPath As String, Sep As String
    Sep = Application.PathSeparator
    Erase selFiles
    #If Mac Then
        Dim iPath As String, iScript As String, iFiles As String
        Dim iSplit As Variant, N As Long, FileFormat As String
        FileFormat = "{""org.openxmlformats.wordprocessingml.document"",""""," & _
        On Error Resume Next
        iPath = MacScript("return (path to documents folder) as String")
        If Application.Version < 15 Then
            'Mac Office 2011
            iScript = "set applescript's text item delimiters to {ASCII character 10} " & vbNewLine & _
                "set theFiles to (choose file of type" & _
                " " & FileFormat & " " & _
                "with prompt ""Select the files to update"" default location alias """ & _
                iPath & """ with multiple selections allowed) as string" & vbNewLine & _
                "set applescript's text item delimiters to """" " & vbNewLine & _
                "return theFiles"
            'Mac Office 2016
            iScript = "set theFiles to (choose file of type" & _
                " " & FileFormat & " " & _
                "with prompt ""Select the files to update"" default location alias """ & _
                iPath & """ with multiple selections allowed)" & vbNewLine & _
                "set thePOSIXFiles to {}" & vbNewLine & _
                "repeat with aFile in theFiles" & vbNewLine & _
                "set end of thePOSIXFiles to POSIX path of aFile" & vbNewLine & _
                "end repeat" & vbNewLine & _
                "set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ASCII character 10}" & vbNewLine & _
                "set thePOSIXFiles to thePOSIXFiles as text" & vbNewLine & _
                "set text item delimiters to TID" & vbNewLine & _
                "return thePOSIXFiles"
        End If
        iFiles = MacScript(iScript)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If iFiles <> "" Then
            iSplit = Split(iFiles, Chr(10))
            ReDim Preserve selFiles(UBound(iSplit))
            strFolderPath = Left(iSplit(0), InStrRev(iSplit(0), Sep))
            For N = LBound(iSplit) To UBound(iSplit)
                selFiles(N) = iSplit(N)
            Next N
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'Windows Office 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007
        With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
            .Title = "Select the files to update"
            .InitialFileName = CurDir
            .AllowMultiSelect = True
            .Filters.Add "All Word Files", "*.docx; *.docm; *.doc", 1
            If .Show = 0 Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ReDim Preserve selFiles(.SelectedItems.Count - 1)
            strFolderPath = Left(.SelectedItems(1), InStrRev(.SelectedItems(1), Sep))
            For i = 0 To .SelectedItems.Count - 1
                selFiles(i) = .SelectedItems(i + 1)
        End With
    #End If

    Dim doc As Word.Document, FirstTime As Boolean

    FirstTime = True
    On Error GoTo errHandler

    For i = 0 To UBound(selFiles)
        'The following is setup to perform a conditional first time check
        'Depending on your exact requirements, you may not need it.
        If FirstTime = True Then
            Set doc = Documents.Open(FileName:=selFiles(i))

            'This is where you will insert your code for applying the edits
            'you want to perform

            FirstTime = False
            On Error GoTo 0
            Set doc = Documents.Open(FileName:=selFiles(i))

            'This is where you will insert your code for replicating the edits
            'you made to the first document

            doc.Close Word.WdSaveOptions.wdSaveChanges
        End If

    MsgBox "Update Complete. Your original document remains open.", vbInformation, "Success"
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Uh-Oh!"
    End If
End Sub

Sub Word_ExportPDF()
'PURPOSE: Generate A PDF Document From Current Word Document
'NOTES: PDF Will Be Saved To Same Folder As Word Document File

Dim CurrentFolder As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim UniqueName As Boolean

UniqueName = False

'Store Information About Word File
  myPath = ActiveDocument.FullName
  CurrentFolder = ActiveDocument.Path & "\"
  FileName = Mid(myPath, InStrRev(myPath, "\") + 1, _
   InStrRev(myPath, ".") - InStrRev(myPath, "\") - 1)

'Does File Already Exist?
'If so, too bad
'  Do While UniqueName = False
 '   DirFile = CurrentFolder & FileName & ".pdf"
  '  If Len(Dir(DirFile)) <> 0 Then
   '   UserAnswer = MsgBox("File Already Exists! Click " & _
    '   "[Yes] to override. Click [No] to Rename.", vbYesNoCancel)
     ' If UserAnswer = vbYes Then
        UniqueName = True
 '     ElseIf UserAnswer = vbNo Then
 '       Do
 '         'Retrieve New File Name
 '           FileName = InputBox("Provide New File Name " & _
 '            "(will ask again if you provide an invalid file name)", _
 '            "Enter File Name", FileName)
          'Exit if User Wants To
  '          If FileName = "False" Or FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
  '      Loop While ValidFileName(FileName) = False
  '    Else
   '     Exit Sub 'Cancel
   '   End If
   ' Else
   '   UniqueName = True
   ' End If
'  Loop
'Save As PDF Document
  On Error GoTo ProblemSaving
    ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat _
     OutputFileName:=CurrentFolder & FileName & ".pdf", _
  On Error GoTo 0

'Confirm Save To User
  With ActiveDocument
    FolderName = Mid(.Path, InStrRev(.Path, "\") + 1, Len(.Path) - InStrRev(.Path, "\"))
  End With
 ' MsgBox "PDF Saved in the Folder: " & FolderName

Exit Sub

'Error Handlers
  MsgBox "There was a problem saving your PDF. This is most commonly caused" & _
   " by the original PDF file already being open."
  Exit Sub

End Sub

Function ValidFileName(FileName As String) As Boolean
'PURPOSE: Determine If A Given Word Document File Name Is Valid

Dim TempPath As String
Dim doc As Document

'Determine Folder Where Temporary Files Are Stored
  TempPath = Environ("TEMP")

'Create a Temporary XLS file (XLS in case there are macros)
  On Error GoTo InvalidFileName
    Set doc = ActiveDocument.SaveAs2(ActiveDocument.TempPath & _
     "\" & FileName & ".doc", wdFormatDocument)
  On Error Resume Next

'Delete Temp File
  Kill doc.FullName

'File Name is Valid
  ValidFileName = True

Exit Function

'File Name is Invalid
  ValidFileName = False

End Function

Sub UpdateDocuments()
' This accepts changes on all files in a directory.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim strFolder As String, strFile As String, strDocNm As String, wdDoc As Document, Rng As Range
strDocNm = ActiveDocument.FullName
strFolder = GetFolder
If strFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
strFile = Dir(strFolder & "\*.doc", vbNormal)
While strFile <> ""
  If strFolder & "\" & strFile <> strDocNm Then
    Set wdDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:=strFolder & "\" & strFile, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
    With wdDoc
      For Each Rng In .StoryRanges
      .Close SaveChanges:=True
    End With
  End If
  strFile = Dir()
Set wdDoc = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

'Function GetFolder() As String
'Dim oFolder As Object
' GetFolder = ""
'Set oFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a folder", 0)
'If (Not oFolder Is Nothing) Then GetFolder = oFolder.Items.Item.Path
'Set oFolder = Nothing
'End Function

Sub batchWordToPDF()

 'Written by Richard V. Michaels, Office Apps and Services MVP
    'Browse for files to update
    Dim i As Integer, selFiles() As String
    Dim strFolderPath As String, Sep As String
    Sep = Application.PathSeparator
    Erase selFiles
    #If Mac Then
        Dim iPath As String, iScript As String, iFiles As String
        Dim iSplit As Variant, N As Long, FileFormat As String
        FileFormat = "{""org.openxmlformats.wordprocessingml.document"",""""," & _
        On Error Resume Next
        iPath = MacScript("return (path to documents folder) as String")
        If Application.Version < 15 Then
            'Mac Office 2011
            iScript = "set applescript's text item delimiters to {ASCII character 10} " & vbNewLine & _
                "set theFiles to (choose file of type" & _
                " " & FileFormat & " " & _
                "with prompt ""Select the files to update"" default location alias """ & _
                iPath & """ with multiple selections allowed) as string" & vbNewLine & _
                "set applescript's text item delimiters to """" " & vbNewLine & _
                "return theFiles"
            'Mac Office 2016
            iScript = "set theFiles to (choose file of type" & _
                " " & FileFormat & " " & _
                "with prompt ""Select the files to update"" default location alias """ & _
                iPath & """ with multiple selections allowed)" & vbNewLine & _
                "set thePOSIXFiles to {}" & vbNewLine & _
                "repeat with aFile in theFiles" & vbNewLine & _
                "set end of thePOSIXFiles to POSIX path of aFile" & vbNewLine & _
                "end repeat" & vbNewLine & _
                "set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ASCII character 10}" & vbNewLine & _
                "set thePOSIXFiles to thePOSIXFiles as text" & vbNewLine & _
                "set text item delimiters to TID" & vbNewLine & _
                "return thePOSIXFiles"
        End If
        iFiles = MacScript(iScript)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If iFiles <> "" Then
            iSplit = Split(iFiles, Chr(10))
            ReDim Preserve selFiles(UBound(iSplit))
            strFolderPath = Left(iSplit(0), InStrRev(iSplit(0), Sep))
            For N = LBound(iSplit) To UBound(iSplit)
                selFiles(N) = iSplit(N)
            Next N
            Exit Sub
        End If
        'Windows Office 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007
        With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
            .Title = "Select the files to update"
            .InitialFileName = CurDir
            .AllowMultiSelect = True
            .Filters.Add "All Word Files", "*.docx; *.docm; *.doc", 1
            If .Show = 0 Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            ReDim Preserve selFiles(.SelectedItems.Count - 1)
            strFolderPath = Left(.SelectedItems(1), InStrRev(.SelectedItems(1), Sep))
            For i = 0 To .SelectedItems.Count - 1
                selFiles(i) = .SelectedItems(i + 1)
        End With
    #End If

    Dim doc As Word.Document, FirstTime As Boolean

    FirstTime = True
    On Error GoTo errHandler

    For i = 0 To UBound(selFiles)
        'The following is setup to perform a conditional first time check
        'Depending on your exact requirements, you may not need it.
        If FirstTime = True Then
            Set doc = Documents.Open(FileName:=selFiles(i))

            'This is where you will insert your code for applying the edits
            'you want to perform


            FirstTime = False
            On Error GoTo 0
            Set doc = Documents.Open(FileName:=selFiles(i))

            'This is where you will insert your code for replicating the edits
            'you made to the first document

            doc.Close Word.WdSaveOptions.wdSaveChanges
        End If

    MsgBox "Update Complete. Your original document remains open.", vbInformation, "Success"
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Uh-Oh!"
    End If
End Sub
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