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Old 08-26-2020, 09:47 PM
leeqiang leeqiang is offline Windows 10 Office 2019
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Default how to draw the histogram?

In the worksheet, column A is the data to be processed, column c is the separation point, column d is the data interval, column e is the data frequency, column f is the data frequency, and column g is the data frequency divided by the group distance,This code adapts to each column of data containing the header.

The header name of the worksheet c list is the separation point, the name of the d list header is the interval, the name of the e list header is the frequency, the name of the f list header is the frequency, and the name of the g list header is the frequency divided by the group distance.

The data source is in column A, but because of changes in C's data, i.e. the starting data value and step used to draw histograms, the grouping changes, resulting in changes in the data in column d, which is next to the other columns, and the data used in the drawing is only d columns and g columns. So the code needs to be adaptive, and the data area referenced by the drawing automatically matches as the d column changes, but in the above instance, when you change the data source area in the drawing program, the resulting picture is a single-colored histogram, and the spacing between each column is not close together. If you want to implement automatic reference data areas, the resulting picture is the first to appear in the specification effect, how to rewrite the code? Thank you!

the excel file:

the code is as follows:
the first question is:How to optimize this running code.

Option Explicit
Sub maxmin()
Dim xU As Range, vMin, vMax, MinADS$, MaxADS$
Dim p, q, groupsp, drow
Set xU = ActiveSheet.Columns("a")
vMin = Application.Min(xU)
vMax = Application.Max(xU)
MinADS = xU.Find(vMin, Lookat:=xlWhole).Address(0, 0)
'MaxADS = xU.Find(vMax, Lookat:=xlWhole).Address(0, 0)
'MsgBox MinADS & " " & CDec(vMin) & vbCrLf & MaxADS & " " & CDec(vMax)
[b1] = "Min"
[b2] = vMin
[b3] = "Max"
[b4] = vMax
[b5] = "gap"
[b6] = vMax - vMin
[b7] = "gropspace"
[b9] = "gropno"
p = ActiveSheet.Cells.Rows.Count
q = ActiveSheet.Cells(p, 3).End(xlUp).Row
If q >= 2 Then
groupsp = Cells(q, 3) - Cells(q - 1, 3)
[b8] = groupsp
groupsp = [b8].Value
End If
'Range("c3:C" & q).Clear
If q <= 1 And [b8].Value = "" Then Exit Sub
If [c1].Value = "" And [b8].Value <> "" Then Exit Sub
For drow = q + 1 To ActiveSheet.Cells.Rows.Count
Cells(drow, 3) = Cells(drow - 1, 3) + groupsp
If Cells(drow, 3) = vMax Then Exit For
If Cells(drow, 3) > vMax Then Exit For
Next drow

'MsgBox groupsp
[b10] = ActiveSheet.Cells(p, 3).End(xlUp).Row - 1
End Sub

Sub histogram()
Dim p, q, t, i, n, d, j, m, r, s, x, l
Dim arr, brr, title
'Locate the number of rows in which the last row of data
'in the reference column is located.
p = ActiveSheet.Cells.Rows.Count
q = ActiveSheet.Cells(p, 3).End(xlUp).Row
'Set the maximum area where the data is located to an array.
'A is listed as the column in which the data source is located which name is arr.
'brr where the data is located to an array.
arr = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
brr = ActiveSheet.Range("c1:g" & q)
Range("d1:g" & UBound(brr)).ClearContents
'the no.of the data and the space
n = UBound(arr) - LBound(arr) + 1
d = brr(3, 1) - brr(2, 1)
'title is the header of the colum
title = Array("Group", "Frequency", "Frequency", "Frequency/group space")
'write the header of the data area
i = 0
For t = LBound(brr, 2) + 1 To UBound(brr, 2)
brr(1, t) = title(i)
i = i + 1
Next t
'Process the data in column c of the worksheet
'and generate interval data in column d
'Build data grouping intervals.
brr(2, 2) = "[" & 0 & "," & brr(1, 1) & ")"
For i = LBound(brr) + 1 To UBound(brr)
If IsNumeric(brr(i - 1, 1)) Then brr(i, 2) = "[" & brr(i - 1, 1) & "," & brr(i, 1) & ")"
Next i
'process the data in column a and produce the frequency
For j = 2 To UBound(brr)
brr(j, 3) = 0
For m = 1 To UBound(arr)
'If arr(m, 1) >= brr(j, 1) And arr(m, 1) < brr(j - 1, 1) Then brr(j, 3) = 0
If arr(m, 1) < brr(j, 1) And arr(m, 1) >= brr(j - 1, 1) Then brr(j, 3) = brr(j, 3) + 1
If Not IsNumeric(brr(j - 1, 1)) And arr(m, 1) < brr(j, 1) And arr(m, 1) >= 0 Then brr(j, 3) = brr(j, 3) + 1
brr(j, 4) = brr(j, 3) / n
brr(j, 5) = brr(j, 4) / d
ActiveSheet.Range("c1:g" & q) = brr
'sum of the data
x = UBound(brr) + 1
Cells(x, 4) = "Total"
'add the number
For r = LBound(brr, 2) + 2 To UBound(brr, 2)
For l = LBound(brr) + 1 To UBound(brr)
Cells(x, r + 2) = Cells(x, r + 2) + brr(l, r)
Next l
Next r
End Sub

in this case,I want to use the result of macro range(d1:d6) and range(g1:g6) to draw the histogram,so I copy the two columns data to columns k and l from cells k1.because macro quote the range("k1:l6")can produce the good look histogram.
the result is like this:


use the code as follows:
Sub AddChart1()
Dim chtChart As Chart
Set chtChart = Charts.Add
With chtChart
.SetSourceData Source:=Sheet1.Range("K1:L6"), PlotBy:=xlRows
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.HasDataTable = True
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Text = "histogram"
.HasLegend = True
.Name = "histogram"
End With
Set chtChart = Nothing
End Sub

but when i use the code as follws,some questions happened:
Sub copyd()
Dim p, q
p = ActiveSheet.Cells.Rows.Count
q = ActiveSheet.Cells(p, 4).End(xlUp).Row
Range("D1" & q - 1).Select
Range("G1:G" & q - 1).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False

Dim chtChart As Chart
Set chtChart = Charts.Add
With chtChart
.SetSourceData Source:=ActiveSheet.[k1].CurrentRegion, PlotBy:=xlRows
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.HasDataTable = True
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Text = "histogram"
.HasLegend = False
.Name = "histogram"
End With
Set chtChart = Nothing
End Sub

application alert:


histogram each colunm have space between each other,and the column have the some color,not the different colours: