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Old 08-22-2020, 10:05 AM
RedZed1100 RedZed1100 is offline Windows 10 Office 2016
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Default Using If Then with Bookmarks to specify text


I'm new to vba so please go easy on me ;-)

My goal is to show different text (or none at all) in a word document based on a variable.

I've been playing around with bookmarks and came across some interesting VBA code shown below to write content to bookmarks without destroying them, on a different site (Greg Maxey - The Anchorage). Whilst I have to admit I don't understand most of it I was intrigued by this which allows a user to manually update bookmarks:
This got me thinking if it is possible to update the contents of bookmarks depending on the out come of an If statement?

ie If [Status] = 1 then "Write this text" to Bookmark x otherwise "Write some other text"
If [Status] = 2 then "Write this text" to Bookmark x otherwise "Clear the bookmark"
That sort of thing...

Unfortunately I'm not sure how start to write this in vba and wonder if someone could assist me - if it's actually possible to do?

If anyone could give me a start that would be great!

Many thanks


Original code by Greg Maxey - The Anchorage which inspired my questionn:

Sub DemoWriteToBookmarkRange()
Dim strInput As String
strInput = InputBox("What is your favorite color?")
WriteToBookmarkRange ActiveDocument, "bmInBookmark", strInput
strInput = InputBox("What is your favorite food?")
WriteToBookmarkRange ActiveDocument, "bmInBookmarkFood", strInput
strInput = InputBox("What is your favorite soft drink?")
WriteToBookmarkRange ActiveDocument, "bmInBookmarkDrink", strInput
Exit Sub
End Sub

Sub WriteToBookmarkRange(ByRef oDoc As Document, bmName As String, strContent As String)
Dim oRng As Word.Range
If oDoc.Bookmarks.Exists(bmName) Then
Set oRng = oDoc.Bookmarks(bmName).Range
oRng.Text = strContent
oDoc.Bookmarks.Add bmName, oRng
MsgBox "An error occurred while processing your document." _
& vbCr & "The bookmark " & Chr(34) + bmName + Chr(34) & " does not exist.", _
vbInformation, "Missing Bookmark"
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
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