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Old 10-21-2019, 06:44 AM
George Keeling George Keeling is offline Windows 10 Office 2019
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 4
George Keeling is on a distinguished road

Thank you, Merci and Danke, jpl! It is certainly a great improvement to avoid using Selection.TypeText but if you remove the line
Set plage = Insere(MathTerm.Range, "+")
then the inverse metric appears before the metric! Grrr. So I have made what I hope is a further improvement so that functions and text can be added in the expected order:
Function InsertFunction(Functions As OMathFunctions, InsertionPoint As Range, FuncType As WdOMathFunctionType) As OMathFunction
    'Add a function in Functions at InsertionPoint and move InsertionPoint to after the function, ready for next
    Dim NewFunction As OMathFunction
    Set NewFunction = Functions.Add(InsertionPoint, FuncType)
    Set InsertionPoint = NewFunction.Range
    InsertionPoint.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
    Set InsertFunction = NewFunction
End Function

Sub InsertText(InsertionPoint As Range, MyText As String)
    'Inserts MyText at InsertionPoint and returns moves InsertionPoint to after that text
    'so this is very similar to
    'Equation.Functions.Add(InsertionPoint, wdOMathFunctionNormalText) .... which does not work!!
    InsertionPoint.Text = MyText
    InsertionPoint.Collapse (wdCollapseEnd)
End Sub

Sub ExampleWriteExpression()
    'insertion point should be in equation. Metric + inverse metric inserted
    Dim Equation As OMath
    Dim MathTerm As OMathFunction
    Dim InsertionPoint As Range

    'If Selection.OMaths.Count <> 1 Then ExpanderFatalError ("Cursor must be in an equation.")
    Set Equation = Selection.OMaths(1)
    Set InsertionPoint = Selection.Range
    Set MathTerm = InsertFunction(Equation.Functions, InsertionPoint, wdOMathFunctionScrSub)
    MathTerm.ScrSub.E.Range = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSub.Sub.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
    Call InsertText(InsertionPoint, "+")

    Set MathTerm = InsertFunction(Equation.Functions, InsertionPoint, wdOMathFunctionScrSup)
    MathTerm.ScrSup.E.Range = "g"
    MathTerm.ScrSup.Sup.Range = ChrW(&H3BC) & ChrW(&H3BD)
End Sub
This works perfectly for expanding horrid symbols and tensors in General Relativity which is what I want to do.
There is only one catch! If you insert brackets (wdOMathFunctionDelim) then you need to back up one character to get inside the brackets. Something like:
    InsertionPoint.Start = InsertionPoint.Start - 1       'get into the bracket
    InsertionPoint.Collapse (wdCollapseStart)
I will also update the page on my website that I referenced above. It inserts brackets.
Thanks again! A great example of international collaboration.
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