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Old 09-22-2019, 06:00 PM
ae3799t ae3799t is offline Windows 10 Office 2010
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 2
ae3799t is on a distinguished road

Sorry if I was not clear that "" is the link for the application. The website is still there in full. Only the contact no longer works and no one is home.

When you install it creates a folder with templates (basically just emails) and links to each template. You chose an email and click on the icon that says Reply from Templates and it list each template n the template folder. You chose one and it runs that template against the email or emails highlighted.

For example a simple template would be something like the following:

set text [et message body]
set text [split $text " \n\r,()\t:;"*<>+^&%'"]
foreach word $text {
if [string match *?@?* $word] {
et set recipient [string trim $word ".\]\[\}\{()"]
et set subject "Memo."

I've just received a memo from &sender_name;. I think you might want to take a look at it.


But they can get much more complex like completely searching and parsing an email and then opening a blank email and write what ever you want, including anything you parsed from the original email.

You could use it to read and parse sales order emails from your shopping cart and send neat formatted orders to your fulfillment house.
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