Thread: [Solved] 2 Minor Mail Merge Problems
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Old 06-01-2019, 05:32 AM
JennEx JennEx is offline Windows XP Office 2013
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Default Found some code

Thanks Paul, i didn't realize it was a simple as just typing it in. I know for {PAGE} and {NUMPAGES} I hadn't typed them but rather selected them from a list somewhere and they were inserted in the document.

I realize you are leaning toward a problematic footer (based on the limited familiarization you have with the report and data etc) , and I'm skepticale because I have copied and pasted the same footer between 7 other similar reports, that draw from the same data, and present similarly (just a different set of data) and they populate just as expected with {PAGE} and {NUMPAGES}.

As I was fixing some bugs in my Excel application (which I've been developing now for 3 years) I came across this. I'm wondering if this is the culprit as it references the report's headers and footers.

In post #10 you were kind enough to offer to take a look at the report. Maybe if the offer stands I can take you up on that offer since I think there is enough questions around it that it might be more worth your time. (stand by for the file ... it is not with me right now)

[s]Problem 1 - {Page} of {NumPages} as discussed in this thread.[/s] - {SECTION} worked noiw that I knew how to apply it.
Problem 2 -see this post File added here
[s]Problem 3 - IWhen I print these reports there is always an empty page (but still with header/hooter) printed.[/s] - Solved I think.

Sub merge2(ByVal i As Long, ByVal rpt_od As String, objWord As Object, ByVal dest As Long)

    Dim oDoc As Object, oDoc2 As Object
    Dim StrSQL As String, fName As String, StrSrc As String, strFilename As String, myPath As String
    Dim qfile As String, st_srchfn As String, wb_qfile2 As Workbook, itype As String, isubresp As String
    'Dim wb_qfile2 As Workbook
    Dim HdFt As Variant
    Const wdSendtToNewDocument = 0
    Const wdSendToPrinter = 1
    Const wdFormLetters = 0
    Const wdDirectory = 3
    Const wdMergeSubTypeAccess = 1
    Const wdOpenFormatAuto = 0
    work_fn = ws_vh.Range("N2")
    Set wb_nwb = Workbooks(work_fn)
    'create workorders folder
    myPath = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\WORKORDERS\" & format(ws_vh.Range("B17"), "ddd dd-mmm-yy")
    If Dir(myPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then 'if not already created ...
        MkDir myPath
    End If
    'close data file
    st_srchfn = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\DATA\" & ws_vh.Range("N2")
    If wb_nwb Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox wb_nwb & " is NOT open."
        wb_nwb.Close True 'saves data workbook after TYPE was updated for GS
    End If
    itype = Right(ws_th.Range("A" & i), 2)
    isubresp = Left(ws_th.Range("A" & i), 3)
    If itype = "DR" Then
        fName = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\REPORTS\v1\DR15v1.docx"
    ElseIf itype = "DT" Then
        fName = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\REPORTS\v1\DT15v1.docx"
    ElseIf itype = "FR" Then
        fName = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\REPORTS\v1\FR15v1.docx"
    ElseIf itype = "FT" Then
        fName = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\REPORTS\v1\FT15v1.docx"
    ElseIf itype = "CR" Then
        fName = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\REPORTS\v1\CR15v1.docx"
    ElseIf itype = "CT" Then
        fName = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\REPORTS\v1\CT15v1.docx"
    ElseIf itype = "GS" Then
        If isubresp = "HPE" Or isubresp = "HPL" Then
            fName = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\REPORTS\v1\GS15v1_GSH.docx" 'Passive : Hillside
            fName = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\REPORTS\v1\GS15v1_GS.docx" 'Passive : Wloo Park
        End If
        fName = "U:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports15\REPORTS\v1\GS15v1_GM.docx"
    End If
    StrSrc = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\DATA\" & ws_vh.Range("N2")
    StrSQL = "SELECT * FROM [DATA$] WHERE [TYPE]='" & itype & "' AND [SIG_CREW]='" & isubresp & "' " & _
    Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    With objWord
        .DisplayAlerts = False
        .Visible = True
        Set oDoc = .Documents.Open(Filename:=fName, ConfirmConversions:=False, _
            ReadOnly:=True, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=True)
        With oDoc
            With .MailMerge
                .MainDocumentType = wdFormLetters
                .Destination = wdSendtToNewDocument
                .SuppressBlankLines = True
                .OpenDataSource Name:=StrSrc, AddToRecentFiles:=False, LinkToSource:=False, ConfirmConversions:=False, _
                    ReadOnly:=True, format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, Connection:="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
                    "User ID=Admin;Data Source=" & StrSrc & ";Mode=Read;Extended Properties=""HDR=YES;IMEX=1;"";", _
                    SQLStatement:=StrSQL, SQLStatement1:="", SubType:=wdMergeSubTypeAccess
                .Execute Pause:=False
            End With
            .Close False
        End With
        .DisplayAlerts = True
        'page break routine only for sports reports
        If (Left(itype, 1) <> "G") And (itype <> "DT") Then   'exclude GS reports
            With .activedocument
                If .Sections.count > 1 Then
                    For Each HdFt In .Sections(.Sections.count).Headers
                        If HdFt.Exists Then
                            HdFt.Range.FormattedText = .Sections(1).Headers(HdFt.index).Range.FormattedText
                        End If
                    For Each HdFt In .Sections(.Sections.count).Footers
                        If HdFt.Exists Then
                            HdFt.Range.FormattedText = .Sections(1).Footers(HdFt.index).Range.FormattedText
                        End If
                End If
                Do While .Sections.count > 1
            End With
        End If
    End With
    Set oDoc2 = objWord.activedocument

    'save newly created document
    With oDoc2
        myPath = "u:\PWS\Parks\Parks Operations\Sports\Sports17\WORKORDERS\" & format(ws_vh.Range("B17"), "ddd dd-mmm-yy")
        .SaveAs myPath & "\" & rpt_od & ".docx"
        If dest = 2 Then
        End If
    End With

    Set oDoc = Nothing: Set oDoc2 = Nothing ': Set objWord = Nothing

End Sub
This is code that I believe you helped me with earlier designed (if I understand correctly) to ensure only one record per page, unlike the other reports that fit as many records on a page as will fit.

Could this be contributing to the unique problem associated with this report (itype = DT)?

Last edited by JennEx; 06-01-2019 at 08:54 AM. Reason: Solved issues.
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