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Old 05-12-2019, 08:34 AM
sts023 sts023 is offline Windows 7 64bit Office 2010
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Default Problems formatting a Word 2010 table using VBA

Hi again guys.
(Win7 Word 2010 VBA)
I’m creating a Word document using VBA, and I’m placing a table in the document.
That works, but there’s too much space around the entries (i.e. the rows are too high).
To work out how to code the VBA to correct this I recorded a macro whilst effecting actions which gave me the desired result.
Because I can't select the table texts whilst recording the macro I selected the table and then started recording the actions.
I pointed the cursor to Home/Line and Paragraph Spacing, clicked on “1.0", then “Remove Space After Paragraph”. The table looks perfect.
The following macro was recorded

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
    Selection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = LinesToPoints(32888)
End Sub
When I inserted the line into my code, I get an error.
My code follows (N.B. "garsDiner" is a public global string array defined elsewhere)
Public Sub InsertPermDinerArray()
Dim lngCurCol               As Long
Dim lngCurRow               As Long
Dim lngDinerPtr             As Long
Dim lngMaxDiner             As Long
Dim lngTotCols              As Long
Dim lngTotRows              As Long
Dim rng                     As Range
Dim tblDiner                As Table
'** Determine table size (two columns,
'** so number of entries halved then
'** rounded up).
  lngMaxDiner = UBound(garsDiner) + 1
  lngTotRows = (lngMaxDiner + 0.5) / 2
  lngTotCols = 2
'** Prepare to add at the end of the document.
  Set rng = ActiveDocument.Content
  rng.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
'** Insert the table.
  With ActiveDocument.Tables
   Set tblDiner = .Add(Range:=rng, _
                       numrows:=lngTotRows, _
                       numcolumns:=lngTotCols, _
  End With
'** Now populate the table.
  lngCurCol = 1
  lngCurRow = 1
  With tblDiner
    For lngDinerPtr = LBound(garsDiner) To UBound(garsDiner)
      .Cell(lngCurRow, lngCurCol).Range.InsertAfter garsDiner(lngDinerPtr)
      lngCurRow = lngCurRow + 1
      If lngCurRow > lngTotRows Then
        lngCurRow = 1
        lngCurCol = lngCurCol + 1
      End If
    Next lngDinerPtr
  End With
' Macro1 Macro recorded code.
   Selection.ParagraphFormat.LineSpacing = LinesToPoints(32888)
The last line generates the following error:

Run-time error '5149':
The measurement must be between 0.7 pt and 1584 pt.

Does anyone know of a way to help me achieve my goal? All assistance gratefully received....
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