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Old 01-17-2011, 11:27 AM
MShroff MShroff is offline Windows 7 Office 2007
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 9
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Default Replacing a single "l" with a double "ll"

I opened a large HTML document in my IE and then copied it into Word 2007. I have two difficultes with it, if someone can please help me.

(1)Wherever there is a double "ll" in a word, one l is missing and there is a blank space in its place. e.g. if the word is "following", it shows as
"fol owing".

If I do a search and replace saying that a single "l" followed by a space should be replaced with "ll" then I run into another problem when "l" is at the end of the word
e.g. "ful page"
here if I do the search and replace as above then it becomes "fullpage" - with no space between the words - then I have to manually go and seperate the words.

This brings me to my second problem. In many places in the document two words get joined e.g. "both boys" show as "bothboys" Is there some way I can set Spellcheck that if two correctly words have no space between them then it should automatically do so. I have Auto Correct on for the document, but that only works as you are typing in.

Any help would be appreciated

Thank you

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