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Old 10-13-2017, 11:02 AM
slaycock slaycock is offline Windows 7 64bit Office 2016
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 256
slaycock is on a distinguished road

I had a lucky break and found myself with some time.

The code below processes your test document without stopping.

There are several references that it identified as malformed. Typically this is because the - in the reference in an em dash rather than a hyphen.

I've changed the code so that you don't have to include the authorities in the code itself. Instead just create a document called Authorities.docx. Place a comma seperated list of the authorities in the document and save it in the same directory as document you want to process.

This is the list I ended up with from you post above.

1Chronicles,1Corinthians,1John,1Kings,1Peter,1Samu el,1Thessalonians,1Timothy,2Chronicles,2Corinthian s,2John,2Kings,2Peter,2Samuel,2Thessalonians,2Timo thy,3John,Acts,John,Amos,Colossians,Daniel,Deutero nomy,Ecclesiastes,Ephesians,Esther,Exodus,Ezekiel, Ezra,Galatians,Genesis,Habakkuk,Haggai,Hebrews,Hos ea,Isaiah,James,Jeremiah,Job,Joel,John,Jonah,Joshu a,Jude,Judges,Lamentations,Leviticus,Luke,Malachi, Mark,Matthew,Micah,Nahum,Nehemiah,Numbers,Obadiah, Philemon,Philippians,Proverbs,Psalms,Revelation,Ro mans,Ruth,Titus,Zechariah,Zephaniah.
You'll note that it has been sorted into alphabetical order. John1, 2John etc are processed before John. If its the other way around then 1John is interpreted as only John.

If you want to change references such as 1John to John 1 the code will accept this as written but it depends on how your hyperlink targets are structured.

I had some trouble with John as an authority as it was like the code ignored the presence of the name, hence the reason for it appearing twice in my list.

Here's the updated code

Option Explicit

' Note the use of module scope constants and variable
' Constants used with the authorities and authority_ref arrays
Const NAME                              As Long = 0
Const CHAPTER                           As Long = 1
Const VERSE_1                           As Long = 2
Const VERSE_2                           As Long = 3
Const NULL_REFERENCE                    As String = ",,,"
Const DO_NOT_SAVE                       As Boolean = False

' Constants representing characters
Const SPACE                             As String = " "
Const COMMA                             As String = ","
Const SEMI_COLON                        As String = ";"
Const HYPHEN                            As String = "-"
Const USCORE                            As String = "_"
Const LBRACKET                          As String = "("
Const RBRACKET                          As String = ")"
Const COLON                             As String = ":"
Const POINT                             As String = "."

'Constants used with cset Note cset doesn't support ranges e.g."[0-9]"
Const IS_A_NUMBER                       As String = "0123456789"
Const END_OF_REFERENCE                  As String = vbLf & vbCr & "[ ),.;]"

'Constants used when forming hyperlinks
Const FULL_HYPERLINK                    As Boolean = True
Const VERSE_ONLY_HYPERLINK              As Boolean = False
Const AUTHORITY_PLACEHOLDER             As String = "<authority>"
Const PATH_TO_REFERENCES                As String = "W:\Skydrive\Docs\<authority>.htm#chpt_"
Private authority_ref()                 As String
Private found_strange_ref               As Boolean

Sub main()
    Dim authorities()                       As String
    Dim authority                           As Variant
    found_strange_ref = False
    populate_list_of_authorities authorities
    authority_ref = Split(NULL_REFERENCE, COMMA)
    For Each authority In authorities
        'authority is a variant but the sub argument is a string hence the cast
        authority_ref(NAME) = authority
    If found_strange_ref Then
        MsgBox "Malformed references were found.  These have been highlighted in Red", vbOKOnly
    End If
End Sub

Sub populate_list_of_authorities(ByRef list() As String)
    ' Reads in the list of Authorities from a word document called 'authorities.docx'
    Dim list_text                           As String
    Dim authority_doc                       As Word.Document

    Set authority_doc = Documents.Open(ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & "Authorities.docx")
    list_text = authority_doc.Paragraphs(1).range.text
    authority_doc.Close DO_NOT_SAVE

    ' Process list text to get a standard representation
    ' e.g. This  " John ,  Luke,   Samuel 1, Revelations   ,Genesis,."
    ' to this    "John,Luke,Samuel 1,Revelations,Genesis"
    list_text = Trim$(list_text)
    list_text = replace(list_text, SPACE & SPACE, SPACE)
    list_text = replace(list_text, SPACE & COMMA, COMMA)
    list_text = replace(list_text, COMMA & SPACE, COMMA)
    list_text = replace(list_text, COMMA & COMMA, COMMA)
    list_text = replace(list_text, SEMI_COLON, COMMA)
    list_text = replace(list_text, COLON, COMMA)
    list_text = replace(list_text, HYPHEN, COMMA)
    Do While Not Right(list_text, 1) Like "[0-9a-zA-Z]"
        list_text = Left(list_text, Len(list_text) - 1)
    list = Split(list_text, COMMA)

End Sub

Sub insert_authority_hyperlinks()
    ' The search text means the following
    ' Search terms have been split into a number of terms using ()
    '(<authority>)  find text starting with the reference authority
    '(*) select all characters until the character specified in the next () field
    '(:) include the colon in the selection
    '(*) select all characters until the character specified in the next field is found
    '([ ,-;]) select all characters until we find a space, comma, hyphen or semicolon
    Const PRIMARY_SEARCH_TEXT                       As String = "(<authority>)( @)([0-9]{1,})(:)([0-9]{1,})"
    Dim rng                                 As Word.range
    Dim end_of_rng                          As Long
    Set rng = ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdMainTextStory)
        With rng.find
            .text = replace(PRIMARY_SEARCH_TEXT, AUTHORITY_PLACEHOLDER, authority_ref(NAME))
            .MatchWildcards = True
            .Forward = True
            .Format = True
            .Font.ColorIndex = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).Font.ColorIndex
            .Wrap = wdFindStop
            If .Found Then
               process_single_hyperlink rng, FULL_HYPERLINK
            End If
        End With
    Loop Until Not rng.find.Found
End Sub

Function process_single_hyperlink(rng As Word.range, hyperlink_type As Boolean)

    Dim last_char                               As String
    last_char = rng.Next(unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1)
    Select Case last_char
        Case HYPHEN
            ' the reference isn't complete so we need to extend rng and then
            ' re-enter this sub
            extend_hyphen_reference_to_full_range rng
            process_single_hyperlink rng, hyperlink_type
        Case COMMA
            ' A comma at the end of a reference implies a following short form reference
            populate_authority_ref rng
            insert_hyperlink rng, FULL_HYPERLINK
            If move_range_to_following_short_form_ref(rng) Then
                ' Don't provide any message if we don't find a short form ref
                process_single_hyperlink rng, VERSE_ONLY_HYPERLINK
            End If
            populate_authority_ref rng
            insert_hyperlink rng, hyperlink_type
        Case Else
            rng.HighlightColorIndex = wdRed
            found_strange_ref = True
    End Select
End Function
Sub extend_hyphen_reference_to_full_range(rng As Word.range)

    rng.MoveEndUntil cset:=IS_A_NUMBER
    rng.MoveEndWhile cset:=IS_A_NUMBER
End Sub
Function move_range_to_following_short_form_ref(rng As Word.range) As Boolean
    ' we assume that the follow on range is quite close to avoid the error
    ' of there actually not being a following short form reference
    If rng.MoveStartUntil(cset:=IS_A_NUMBER, Count:=4) Then
        rng.MoveEndWhile cset:=IS_A_NUMBER
        move_range_to_following_short_form_ref = True
        move_range_to_following_short_form_ref = False
    End If
End Function

Sub populate_authority_ref(rng As Word.range)

    ' If the text of the range does not contain a colon then the reference is a short form
    ' and consequently we only need to populate VERSE_1
    If InStr(rng.text, COLON) Then
        authority_ref(NAME) = get_substr(rng.text, SPACE, 0)
        authority_ref(CHAPTER) = get_substr(get_substr(rng.text, SPACE, 1), COLON, 0)
        authority_ref(VERSE_1) = get_substr(get_substr(rng.text, COLON, 1), HYPHEN, 0)
        If InStr(rng.text, HYPHEN) > 0 Then
            authority_ref(VERSE_2) = get_substr(get_substr(rng.text, COLON, 1), HYPHEN, 1)
            authority_ref(VERSE_2) = vbNullString
        End If
        authority_ref(VERSE_1) = rng.text
    End If

End Sub
Function get_substr(text, seperator, index) As String

    Dim list()                      As String
    If index < 0 Then
        get_substr = vbNullString
    ElseIf InStr(text, seperator) = 0 Then
        get_substr = text
        Exit Function
    End If
    list = Split(text, seperator)
    If UBound(list) < index Then
        get_substr = vbNullString
        Exit Function
    End If
    get_substr = list(index)
End Function

Sub insert_hyperlink(reference As Word.range, hyperlink_type As Boolean)
    Dim range_len                       As Long
    range_len = reference.Characters.Count
    ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add _
                Anchor:=reference, _
                Address:= _
                    replace(PATH_TO_REFERENCES, AUTHORITY_PLACEHOLDER, authority_ref(NAME)) _
                    & authority_ref(CHAPTER) _
                    & "_" _
                    & authority_ref(VERSE_1), _
                TextToDisplay:=IIf(hyperlink_type, reference.text, authority_ref(VERSE_1))
    reference.MoveStart unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=range_len
End Sub
I have checked portions of you document to make sure that everything was being captured but it is rather long so I'll leave it to yourself to do a detailed checking.

Incidentally, it would now be a trivial exercise to compile a dictionary of dictionaries in case you wanted to do any further processing with the hyperlinks. e.g. Print a list of references, list of hyperlinks, count the references for each authority etc.

Let me know how it goes for you.
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