Thread: [Solved] Macro not staying true
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Old 11-21-2010, 02:39 AM
oluc oluc is offline Windows 7 Office 2007
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 3
oluc is on a distinguished road

oh, okay.
here is the code:
Sub Typing()

On Error Resume Next
' Format Macro
' Macro recorded 11/4/2005 by .
    Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
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End Sub
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
' Macro recorded 12/11/2005 by Administrator
    With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
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    Selection.Font.Name = "Arial"
    Selection.Font.Name = "Arial"
    Selection.Font.Size = 14
    End With
End Sub

Sub Macro1()
On Error Resume Next
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 12/11/2005 by Administrator
    Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
    If ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial <> wdPaneNone Then
    End If
    If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type <> wdPrintView Then
        ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView
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    With ActiveDocument.PageSetup.TextColumns
        .SetCount NumColumns:=1
        .EvenlySpaced = True
        .LineBetween = False
        .Width = InchesToPoints(6)
    End With
End Sub

Sub lines()
' lines Macro
' Macro recorded 3/15/2006 by Administrator
    Selection.TypeText Text:="____ ____ ____"
End Sub
Sub line()
' line Macro
' Macro recorded 3/16/2006 by Administrator
    Selection.TypeText Text:="_______________"
End Sub

Sub UpperCaseAll()
' UpperCaseAll Macro
' Macro recorded 4/27/2007 by Administrator
    Selection.Range.Case = wdUpperCase
End Sub

End Sub
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