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Old 12-20-2006, 04:02 PM
Druelar Druelar is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 1
Default Help with Contact setup for a family


I am getting a Palm and am in the process of getting my personal contacts into Outlook.

My problem is that I do not understand the best way for me to get all the contact info I want into Outlook. Can someone help me out with some suggestions on how to organize my contacts?

Here is what I want.

I want to make a contact for an entire family. In the family contact, I want a place for each family member with birthdates so I can keep track of everything in one spot.

The problem is that Outlook seems to be more business oriented. There is a place for the spouse name but not for children or any other birthdates except for the primary contact. I would like to have all the details for a family in one place but it looks like I have to add an individual contact for each family member if I want to add the birthday in the contact. I do not want to have to add a new contact for a 5 year old kid though. I can modify the outlook contact to have places for children but I am thinking that the modification will not sync with a palm.

I am sure many people keep their family contacts in outlook. How do you guys do it so that it is easy to maintain?

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