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Old 10-20-2010, 02:46 PM
BLM1234 BLM1234 is offline Windows Vista Office 2007
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 6
BLM1234 is on a distinguished road

Well, I suppose query in Excel isn't the EXACT same thing, but it gets the same thing accomplished. In Excel I can have a list of items, and just add an extra column with categories. Then I can query out the categories that I don't want and bam, the spreadsheet has everything I want and nothing I don't.

In word, I was hoping for some function, maybe buried in the program somewhere, that let me simply highlight, say, a paragraph. I could then say that that paragraph belongs in "Category 1" (I'll just call it that, but theoretically if such a feature existed, it should have a category manager where you could add and delete custom categories). I can then repeat this precess for any number of paragraphs, adding them to "Category 1". This category would act as the criterion that you speak of. The condition that I'm talking about would be belonging to the category itself. Categorizing the text would have to be done manually, but at least it would only have to be done once.

If my document was 100 or more pages, going through and deleting those paragraphs individually would be a pain, and even if different styles would work (and I still have no reason to suspect that they do), then I'd still end up with each category of paragraph looking totally different (due to the nature of different styles).

What I'd like would be to categorize all those paragraphs, and, if possible, delete them all simultaneously by going to the category manager (which doesn't exist, to my knowledge) and deleting the category. It doesn't even have to be deleting (although that is what I'd like to actually do). A category manager as described here would be able to select all categorized text and apply a specific style (much like the current system already does, except that this would not be for a section of text, but an entire category).

I think the real problem is that what I'd like to do, I'd like to do to a number of different paragraphs randomly dispersed throughout a large document.

Sorry that was a bit long, but hopefully that makes my question more clear. As for what you suggested, I'm not sure what Ulodesk is (never heard of it).


I was messing around more with styles as you suggested, and I think that I figured out what you were talking about. I'd delete the above text, but some of it may still help you understand my concern, and I really don't want to go through and rewrite what makes sense and what doesn't anymore.

I found out by messing around with styles (as both of you had suggested) that you can right-click a style on the Word 2007 ribbon and simultaneously select every instance of that style (would have thought I'd have seen that before...). Okay, the hard part's over, but one concern still. Is it possible to make a bunch of styles that look EXACTLY the same (same font, size color, etc.) but is still recognized by Word as different styles?

I italicized rather than struck through the text, because I couldn't find strike-through on these font options in this forum (ironic, considering the forum). I tested it, indeed you can save new styles that all look like one another, except that Word calls them "Quick Styles", and they don't seem to exist after I close word. Can I permanently save a new style in Word? If so, how? Also, if I CAN permanently save a new style, what would happen if I opened that document on another computer with Word 2007? Does the document itself save the style, and it would show up with those styles already available (much like PDFs keep fonts over multiple systems because they build a font table), or would it not save the styles and I'd be stuck doing this on one computer?

Oh, and thank you so much, for both of your suggestions and help!
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